The place with the best evidence?

Which place had the best evidence? The apartment, the office or the bar?


  • The bar has the witches address and when you go the the witches house, there is a box from the offices. I didn't go to Crane's apartment, but there might be something there that's important.

    What I did was go to their offices and then to the bar, I got a name from the offices and an address from the bar. I still have to go through all the options but there might have been something important at the apartments.

    I think that there is probably an equal amount of evidence at each location, it might be the order, that changes what you find and how it works with the clues.

  • You can get the Name at Cranes place. You can get the Name at the Office. You can get the Adress at the Bar. You have to visit 2 one for the Name and one for the Adress.

  • So which is better than: apartment or office? Which is more fun: meeting Jack or Flycatcher?

    RaduBota18 posted: »

    You can get the Name at Cranes place. You can get the Name at the Office. You can get the Adress at the Bar. You have to visit 2 one for the Name and one for the Adress.

  • You always get the name from either the office or the apartment, and the address from the bar. Apparently the order simply changes who you meet there, what they're up to at that time, etc.

    hey895 posted: »

    The bar has the witches address and when you go the the witches house, there is a box from the offices. I didn't go to Crane's apartment, bu

  • Well i liked both but to talk to Flycatcher in my opinion was a lot more fun but make sure to go there first since Bluebeard will check there first if you go somewhere else.

    So which is better than: apartment or office? Which is more fun: meeting Jack or Flycatcher?

  • You had to visit a combination of at LEAST 2 places in order to get to AG's house.
    I was able to visit all three places, but one of them gave me NO EVIDENCE based on the way I played.

  • You can actually do both if you go Apartment-Office-Bar

    So which is better than: apartment or office? Which is more fun: meeting Jack or Flycatcher?

  • yea but the dialog with flycatcher is tottaly diferrent if you go first there

    DarthCaine posted: »

    You can actually do both if you go Apartment-Office-Bar

  • So, what happens when you go to the bar first? Do you still get the address and just not put anything together until you get a name?

    You always get the name from either the office or the apartment, and the address from the bar. Apparently the order simply changes who you meet there, what they're up to at that time, etc.

  • Yep, exactly.

    hey895 posted: »

    So, what happens when you go to the bar first? Do you still get the address and just not put anything together until you get a name?

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