What is Bigby's true form?
I've seen couple of images of fable comics, bigby was gigantic wolf, not the two legged werewolf, and I prefer that pure wolf form.
I'm visualizing in my head what if he turns into that Big Bad Wolf and smashes B*** Mar* nicely, anyway...
Is the half-man wolf his true form? or the large wolf?
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His true form is the giant badass megawolf on four legs who can clear a valley with just a huff and a puff, but on the way out of the Homelands several hundred years prior to the game, he was stabbed with a knife containing the Lyncanthropy virus, thus his ability to shift between man, wolfman, and full blown wolf. So yeah.
I think (I do not no just a guess) that it is his "werewolf" form. Not full wolf, but not man either. Maybe he did not have the strength to turn into his wolf form, or he did not want it to control him, but maybe in episode 5 he will become a full wolf (hopefully).
Woodsman cut him open, so we know at least one is tougher than him.
Of course it's the large wolf that'll eat you whole like an Oreo ice cream sandwich, my boy!
It's not that he didn't have the strength, it's probably more so because when he's in his wolf form, he's as tall as a 2-3 story building.
His true form is a regular four legged wolf. It's how he was born. He inherited the ability to shapeshift but never developed it. It's like Emmypress said, he acquired the ability to change at will later because of the lycanthropy virus.
His true form is that of a gigantic Wolf who can control the winds. However, he was stabbed with a cursed knife, giving him Lycanthropy, meaning he could become a man, somewhere between, a werewolf, or of course, a wolf.
Yeah, but that was a long time ago. He increased in strength everyday in the homelands, and that encounter was made before he became more powerful. I'm just speaking for the comics, since the game claims to be canon with them.
this is his true form
This pic pretty much explains everything. (gulp)
this game is not the comics but I also hope he will show his real self in around ep4 or 5.
Not before liking the icing off, I might add
So...he doesn't need glamour to become human form, this sexy shabby detective is also his true form, right?
yea he does not need glamour he can freely change inbetween forms
So... Cool/Scary. Note to self: If I meet Bigby, turn and run.
I LIKE IT. That means this hot detective is not a glamoured fake.
Oh my god, where's the exit!? I need to get out of here!
He was a young Wolf when that happened, and he was just coming to terms with his true potential as The Big Bad Wolf and a Demigod to boot. lol
No, it's not Glamour, but it's not necessarily his "true" form. It's not a fake, but he'd still probably rather be a wolf.
Lol werewolf boobs
I wonder if we will get to see that monster in the game or if they will just stick with what we saw at the end of episode 3.
Its too late! He's here and he's angry!
I don't think he'd rather be a wolf now for obvious reasons but I think he appreciated both his forms, human and wolf.
Oh... crap. (he pummels me through a wall and into a dumpster)
It's a trap!
maybe in episode 5 make it happen telltale!
Controlling a two-story tall wolf would be an excellent change of pace, tbh. :S
(He huffs and puffs and blows us across the country) That was a rather quick end.
Whoa, dumpster-diving just took on a whole new level! Rad.