Episode 3 Review!

edited April 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

Check out my non-spoiler review for Episode 3!

Keep my non-professionalism in mind while you watch! ;)


  • Good review. I almost gave you a thumb down because your face jumped over my screen when I pressed the play button. But I have to agree with almost everything you said. This third episode is as good as the first one. Don't feel rushed. Well balanced and things are starting to get clear.

    I just want you to know that it is ok to post a review here in the forums. But it would make more sense if you actually give your personal opinion; story-wise, and explain to us what are those things you think have been "revealed" in this third episode.

    • What exactly is that thing The Tweedlers were searching at Woody's, Lawrence's, Faith's, etc...

    • Who do you think is the killer? (Can we safely say it's Bloody Mary, The Crooked Man, The Tweedlers?)

    • Is Tiny Tim (whatever his name is.. the guy with the hat parched jeans...) involved in the crimes or he's just a contract driver?

    • What is the Crooked Man "personal property" that Bloody Mary claims Crane has? It is just money or something else?

    • Why is the Woodsman' axe in Bloody Mary's hands?

    I got more questions and things to talk but first I'll wait for any thoughts

  • edited April 2014

    Thanks for the feedback! As I said, it's a non-spoiler review, so I couldn't dive into that. ;)

    In response to some of your thoughts, check out my recent threads, I've been making tons that have my thoughts (spoiler-wise). I know that I answered what my thoughts are for your first and last question.

    Thanks again!

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