Connecting Ep. 2 and Ep. 3

edited April 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

If the game now leads to the Tweedle's/Crooked Man's/Bloody Mary's Group as the killers...
Then who was laughing on the bridge as said Toad Jr. from Ep. 2? Maybe Bloody Mary because she's an insane psycho, but I don't feel she is psychotic in that way... Thoughts?


  • I can only imagine Jack laughting at Flycatcher and the last one saying "don't laugh at me". I hope TellTaleGames reveals who actually did it in the next episode.

  • But Toad Jr. said there was only one voice. And that would also mean that Jack and Flycatcher would be part of the killing which I am almost positive they aren't.

    Dan77 posted: »

    I can only imagine Jack laughting at Flycatcher and the last one saying "don't laugh at me". I hope TellTaleGames reveals who actually did it in the next episode.

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