Most underrated character?
Are there any characters you feel deserve more love/screen time? Personally I quite like Bufkin and Vivian
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Are there any characters you feel deserve more love/screen time? Personally I quite like Bufkin and Vivian
I think Bufkin is getting plenty but I would still love for more.
I hope Colin gets more screen time.
It'd be interesting if Colin had another scene much like his first one later on in the series, where the content of the discussion will be very different depending on your actions throughout the last episodes; ie, admitting that you've changed or saying you're the same as ever, etc.
Colin the pig definitely in my top 3 characters from first day saw him a talking pig and his personality just had me in stitches Colin just brilliant really underrated definitely hope see more
I completely forgot Colin even existed
If that doesn't show he needs more attention I don't know what does.
I think Faith gets ignored a lot since she spends much more time as a plot device than as an actual character and is pretty much forgotten about entirely once Lily turns up.
Her Fable and her in-game story are both really tragic, but she still has a very sweet (if a bit rough-and-tumble) attitude about her during her brief encounter with Bigby. And the fact that she was still trying to look out for Lawrence and sent him money despite being in a pretty desperate situation herself speaks a lot about her character and her love for him.
Hard to say she's underrated because she just made her first appearance, but I really hope we get more Greenleaf. Laura Bailey is an amazing voice actor and she was riffing so well with Bigby and Snow in her scene. Plus, how she made me feel bad for her and go against Snow (didn't burn the tree) I'll never know. That was some A-Class manipulation.
I'd day Jack. Nobody talks about him and I like his character
Screw Jack, he a douchebag. I punch him every chance I get. Can't believe he actually got his own comic
I'm going to say Gren. I know he's getting plenty of screen time, but I still think he's underrated as a character. I actually really like his character. Yeah he's an ass but he does seem to really care about Holly... so I think it's hard to gain his trust but once you have it, he's fiercely loyal to those he lets in... unless they pull a Woody.
I'm also going to say Lawrence. I know he dies if you visits Toads place first but if you save him, he doesn't appear at all in the 2nd episode like the preview showed and only appears briefly in the back of Lily's funeral if he lives. He's a nice guy. I wanted to talk to him more than I was able to. I said 2 things to him and Snow came over.
I wanna see the Woodsman team up with Bigby to retrieve his axe
I was happy that Bufkin finally got some more time, but it will be cool to see how Flycatcher and the Woodsman grow in the game too
He should have appeared prowling the town in the background,like he did in the first comic
I'm freaking out because I didn't realize that was Laura Bailey! That voice sounded SO familiar!
Mr toad. I love his accent it's so awesome
The little mermaid, she could help Bigby with the investigation.
That would be awesome but unlikely.
I want moar Colin. It's bad enough with what happens to him in the comics! I want to spend as much time as i can with him. And, yeah, Viv and the Nerissa deserve more screen time, too.
But the one that NEEDS more screen time is Prince Lawrence. Seriously, Telltale.
colin and toad both didnt get any screen time in episode 3 and colin didnt get any in episode 2 aswell im dissapointed since hes one of my favourites charcaters along with flycatcher
Seconded. Lawrence's cameo was a nice touch, but I'd still like some attention turned to Faith's part in the case too.
I think Hans from Georgie's club is underrated. I mean, he really told us some key info. Hoping for more interaction with him.
Yes he's a douche but he's a funny douche :P
I agree with Bufkin needing more screen time as well! In my opinion, we definitely need a moment where Bigby and him take shots, SHOTS! You know, similar to that SNL skit involving Andy Samberg and Pee-Wee Herman!
Beauty and Beast. They both add something new to the story for me.