Internet options issue

edited September 2008 in Site Support
So real quick, great game...I freaking love you guys who designed the game, and you guys who come here and help people out.

"All we need is love". John guy.

Enough of that, though. Here's my issue...

When I click on the icon to launch the game, I am presented with a sweet little splash screen giving me the option to "launch the game", "On Forums", etc. It's the "On Forums" and the "Latest Comics" part where my problem is. My internet options are blocking access to them. Can anyone tell me what to add to my Trusted Sites list so my computer will allow me to view the awesomeness?

Again, thanks a ton for everything, guys!



  • edited September 2008
    should just be our normal website: (or if you prefer)
  • edited September 2008
    ugh...that totally didn't do it. anyone else? i think i'm gonna have to go the "email tech support" route. Honestly, though, it's not the biggest deal. all these things are available to me through the website anyway, right?
  • edited September 2008
    You're really not missing much. You can check the forums and blogs manually, you know :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    (Also emailing tech support probably won't help since you'd reach the same people here. ;))
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