Game Won't Save

For some reason, my game won't save to the save slot. In game, it shows that it's saving, but it never actually saves. So after playing about 1 hour and returning, it started me from the very beginning.

I've searched on how to fix this problem, and the main solution is to remove any non-English characters from the save directory. I don't think this is my problem, because the directory to my Documents folder is "C:\Users\Karen\Documents\Telltale Games\The Wolf Among Us"


  • Nevermind! Turns out I only had to switch to an empty save file...and play from there. Sheesh, how weird.

    So for the people out there who had a similar problem: Check for non-english characters first...and if you do have english characters, try my method. Switch to a different save file--one that's empty.

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