Comic Compendium of Doom

edited June 2006 in Sam & Max Comics
Hello Forum. I know we've never met before but I hope that we can become friends. We can play video games and eat ice cream until we acsend to a higher spiritual plane, which would possibly involve playing more video gams and eating more ice cream.

If I play my cards right perhaps we can become something more. I didn't bring flowers or candy but I did create this comic.

Love me.


  • edited May 2006
    Another: Tears of Joy
  • edited May 2006
    Your name is incredibly awesome, and your comics make me laugh. :D
  • edited May 2006
    Thank you, on both counts.

    In gratitude I present you with another comic: Restlessness Is My Nemesis
  • edited June 2006
    Another insightful comic on the eternal struggle between man and his impulses: The Folly of Science
  • edited June 2006
    These are pretty funny, Julius. I especially like the hobo one! :)

    Hobo jokes are ALWAYS funny.
  • edited June 2006
    Hobo jokes are always funny. Thanks for the comments.

    Another: Damaged Goods
  • edited June 2006
    Another comic, now with 73.435% less typos!

    For The Children
  • edited June 2006
    Hobo ladders! Yay!
  • edited June 2006
    I registered just to share my comic: AIDS
  • edited June 2006
    Hey FrogMan, just some thoughts on your comic.

    1) While Hobos are always funny, AIDS is no laughing matter. I don't know how Max would get AIDS. Max doesn't even like girls!

    While AIDS is no laughing matter, gonorrhea and herpes are still comedy gold mines. Though, probably not in conjuntion with Max, or Sam for that matter.

    2) I would suggest starting a thread of your own next time. It'll provide a focus on your comic(s) for people to comment on. Your comics may get lost in here.

    Back to the topic at hand, another comic!

    Existential Claustrophobia
  • edited June 2006
    Yes. Hobos are comedy gold. I hear they pee themselves in the winter to keep warm. Oh the hilarity.

    Before anyone accuses me, yes I did steal that from elsewhere. The exciting part is figuring out where!
  • edited June 2006
    Another comic explodes forth: Fleshy Miracle
  • edited June 2006
    Gasp! Another comic!

    Decision Analysis
  • edited June 2006
    You've really got a knack for Sam & Max's love of violence/wreckless disregard for human life. It's a wonder you haven't been snatched up by some gang of street hoodlums already.
  • edited June 2006
    You've really got a knack for Sam & Max's love of violence/wreckless disregard for human life. It's a wonder you haven't been snatched up by some gang of street hoodlums already.

    Thanks a lot. I'm trying my best to nail the characters down. Looks like I'm having some success. I appreciate all of the comments. In fact, I demand more!

    Here's another comic:

    A Delicious Confusion
  • edited June 2006
    Land sakes, Julius Surpentine! You're a comic dynamo! Where does that leave the rest of us?

    And :)) at "I can almost hold a Van Dyke."
  • edited June 2006
    Hey FrogMan, just some thoughts on your comic.

    1) While Hobos are always funny, AIDS is no laughing matter. I don't know how Max would get AIDS. Max doesn't even like girls!

    While AIDS is no laughing matter, gonorrhea and herpes are still comedy gold mines. Though, probably not in conjuntion with Max, or Sam for that matter.

    2) I would suggest starting a thread of your own next time. It'll provide a focus on your comic(s) for people to comment on. Your comics may get lost in here.

    Back to the topic at hand, another comic!

    Existential Claustrophobia

    Well handled Julius. B-)

    On another note, you are extremely funny. :))
  • edited June 2006
    Thanks for the kind words, guys.
    Land sakes, Julius Surpentine! You're a comic dynamo! Where does that leave the rest of us?

    Well, the rest of you can still read my comics! In seriousness, I'd hope my comics would motivate others to make their own. I'd like to read other people's work. That way I don't know the punchline before hand.

    Also, a new comic:

  • edited June 2006
    Another comic: Cosmonauts of Recovery
  • edited June 2006
    Okay, Julius, give it up... I know you are actually Steve Purcell operating under a false name... :-/
  • edited June 2006
    Okay, Julius, give it up... I know you are actually Steve Purcell operating under a false name... :-/

    That's really nice of you to say. I'll take your comment as a job well done. Thanks!

    Also, I've been trying out the new panels. Behold!

    Seduction of the Innocent
  • edited June 2006
    A deep reflection on the nature of love, expressed through synchronized violence.

    Lost Love
  • edited June 2006
    New comic: An Ingenious Solution

    May have to start a new thread. This one is getting a bit crowded.
  • edited June 2006
    This is one of your best, Julius! It's like five jokes in one. Funny ones, too. When time machines are invented I'm going to write these down and go back in time and post them before you do, as if they were from my own brilliance. I'll make millions!
  • edited June 2006
    I would have to steal your time machine so that I could steal my comics back. But if you did go back in time and post my comics would I even know that they were my ideas to begin with? Damn! Defeated by time travel.

    New comic: Emergency Arts & Crafts
  • edited June 2006
    I would have to steal your time machine so that I could steal my comics back. But if you did go back in time and post my comics would I even know that they were my ideas to begin with? Damn! Defeated by time travel.
    I'll have to note the time that you posted them, and go back and post them a minute or two before you're supposed to post yours. You'll be so pissed!!! :D The look on your face will be priceless! [>:)]
    New comic: Emergency Arts & Crafts
    Oh no! Max just had an "art attack".
  • edited June 2006
    Another comic: Cosmonauts of Recovery

    Max believes that calling people names is one of the worst examples of unfunny violence. Killing someone's self-esteem by hurting them with wildly exagerrated beatings and maulings is definately more effective!

  • edited June 2006
    Clearly, some sort of imposter must have been featured in your comic. Max would never have such a narrow and close-minded view regarding the hilarity of violence. I would suggest taking a stool sample and perhaps running a few DNA tests to find out the true identity of this doppelganger. Good luck with that!

    New Comic: Pearls of Trade School Wisdom
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