I have a startling revelation regarding Dank the Caveman (proof inside)

edited February 2006 in General Chat

Nice likeness Mr Annable! :D


  • edited February 2006
    You could be right, JP..... :))
  • edited February 2006
    Hehe...Even the names are similar! Dank <--> DanC. You're brilliant!

    JP, what mystery of the cosmos will you unveil unto us next time? ;)
  • edited February 2006
    Hehe...Even the names are similar! Dank <--> DanC. You're brilliant!

    JP, what mystery of the cosmos will you unveil unto us next time? ;)

    That the harlot riding the 3-eyed tiger in the latest Sam & Max strip...


    ...is possibly a dig at the god-awful LucasArts game "Wrath Unleashed" that was being worked on about the time Sam & Max got canned.
  • edited February 2006
    Wow. To think it took this long for someone to work that out. Clever... uh... looking JP. Now I feel infintely more enlightened. Any other secrets of the cosmos you have to unveil to us? Howabout...


    And that's my totally uneeded Sam and Max reference. Sorry. It's just when I wrote down 'secrets of the cosmos' that I got reminded of that strip and felt the unstoppable urge to add in some quote or other.
  • edited February 2006
    I don't know about the Wrath Warth Unleashed character, I think that's a bit of a stretch, but the Dank-DanC comparison is spot-on!
  • edited February 2006
    So thats where he gets his inspiration :)) :)) :))
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