Login Error: Steam Key Wait Time

I purchased TWAU on Saturday evening for the PC and, like most others, could not log into the game. Every time I tried I would get the same error telling me the game could not connect to site's servers. When I emailed support on Sunday evening they replied on Monday morning, giving me a list of things to do and I was asked to email them back with a picture of the results. I tried deleting the key they asked for, attempted to log in multiple times using both my email and password and so on, but nothing worked. They offered a Steam key if nothing worked but it has been several days now and I have heard nothing back, even after I emailed them Monday evening. I hate to be a bother to the support staff so I was wondering if anyone else who encountered this problem had received a Steam key and how long it took?


  • Exact same situation for me. Been waiting since Monday as well. I've even tried messaging the moderators directly and they won't respond. I get that they have a lot of emails, but I don't understand how it can take them this long just to send us a steam key back. It makes them look so bad as a company.

    If there's any moderators that can help us or speed up I would really appreciate it. My support ticket is 26490.

  • ugh same as OP and you. More than a week since I bought the game and since Monday that they offered the steam key, no solution and completely cut off from email confirmations as well I haven't gotten a ticket id since prior to the offer.

    joshdsalley posted: »

    Exact same situation for me. Been waiting since Monday as well. I've even tried messaging the moderators directly and they won't respond.

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