I had thought

that I had seen all the e-mails and toon. But I just NOW stumbled violently into the injured sides of narrator and technology. has this ever happened to you?


  • edited September 2008
  • edited September 2008
    Strong Max wrote: »
    that I had seen all the e-mails and toon. But I just NOW stumbled violently into the injured sides of narrator and technology. has this ever happened to you?

    what exactly happend?
  • edited September 2008
    I have seen them all and I am confedent of it.That's what makes me so 1337.(Oh god, did I really just say that?!)
  • edited September 2008
    Yep. This was years ago, but I somehow managed to miss "anything" and "i love you" for the longest time, probably because the names were really generic and sounded as if I'd seen them before. I finally discovered "i love you" when I went through in order trying to find where fhqwhgads came from; I think "anything" just turned up when I was bored and looking around.

    Come to think of it, I might have missed "2 emails" originally too, mistaking it for "50 emails."
  • edited October 2008
    that happened to me once but only once.it was...i think its called website BTW sbemails
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