Lego Batman Online Help?
I have the PS3 version of Lego Batman, which should be online. How do I access the online co-op mode?
P.S. I coudn't find Tt's forum, so I came here.
P.S. I coudn't find Tt's forum, so I came here.
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According to the official site it's out now. That site isn't very useful for help though.
TT Games website here:
Support page for Lego batman here:
Did you see I said, "P.S. I coudn't find Tt's forum, so I came here."? I know Tt and TT are different!
It's out in America, but not for the UK until the 10th.
Thought that must be the case. Bastards American's get everything decent first.
dunno but we got the broken sword games first
I think Spore's an incredible game, so yes, it's good.
No comprende, senor.
You do realize there's a rule for no bumping very old topics, right?
Unless you have a useful or new insight to the discussion.
Dude either you are some form of spam bot, or you are just being annoying, reposting in here won't help you, Telltale games have no affiliation with travellers tales games, I doubt many people here would have 100% in Lego Batman. So sorry but I don't think we can help you.
i do not want to be on this web site i just want to beat my game & unlock ra's al ghul he is cool he has nunchuks & i think he is the guy ho taught batman how fight in batman begins movie
<sarcasm> By the way, what's an "exspesin"? Is that some kind of sleeping pill or something? </sarcasm>
Errr did you actually read my entire post, I'll restate it as you seem to think that is how people communicate.
We cannot help you with this, sorry.
Maybe looking up an online guide in a similar way to looking up cheats could help you, but not many of us here at Telltale games have any idea to help you. Telltale games did not make any of the lego games Traveller's tales Games (TTGames) did.
A walkthrough link to Lego batman has been posted:
The Traveller's Tales website can be found here:
I think this resolves this guy's problem.