Concept Art Search!

edited September 2008 in Sam & Max
Hello fellow fans! I happen to be a virtual art collector of sorts, and am a big fan of the Sam and Max series. Trouble is, I've found a very limited amount of Sam and Max concept art and character art. I was hoping someone here could assist me with this, and maybe we could throw together quite a nice collection of it for each other. I'm looking for the basic concept art of characters such as Hugh Bliss, The Soda Poppers, the Pedros, and others like that. Please help me out if you can. If you wish to keep it between you and me, please PM me, and depending on the circumstances I could give my email or we could settle things through PMing.


  • edited September 2008
    We actually put concept art reels on the season DVDs. If you're a season set owner, you can get them for free.
  • edited September 2008
    Is there any way I can get JUST these DVD's? I don't have the seasons personally, I played the whole series at my friends house. I've searched the store but there seems to be no way to get JUST the concept art DVDs.
  • edited September 2008
    You'd have to get the collector's DVD from the Telltale Store, which you'd have to purchase the season passes to get. I dunno whether or not the retail discs have everything.
  • edited September 2008
    The collector's DVDs in the store are included free with the downloadable games. You can think of it as buying the DVDs themselves if you like, but that's the only way to do it, sorry. You can also come find us at a show like Comic Con, but the price would be the same either way. You can get them from these pages:
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