What's the next blog going to be?
I could guess a million different things but I'm going to put my money on the proper implementation of rubber ducks in adventure games. :-?
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Actually, I haven't a clue what the next blog will be about, but I wanted to do whatever I could to drum up support for the blog speculation thread, which is currently my favorite thread by a wide margin.
If anyone wants to help make this the #1 thread, you can make suggestions for blog topics. If I'm really inspired by any suggestion, I'll make that the subject of the next blog AND I'll treat that person to dinner at the Wendy's down the street from Telltale HQ! You'll have to pay for your own airfare though. And any food you want at Wendy's. And my food too. Kind of a bum deal for whoever wins the contest come to think of it, but don't let that stop you!
But how about the literary and textual value (and lack thereof) of some games? You've touched upon that in the Blades of Stenchtar bilogy, but I'd like to know how you respond to games that cheapen the serious value of a game's story in the name of gameplay, and conversely, games that sacrifice gameplay for story. Do you see a day when video games will be as valued texts as books and film are now?
Actually, I'd just like to see your reaction to a stocky bipedal dog and psychotic rabbity thing dropping by your broom closet well-furnished office.
Sporkman suggested a speculating blog about blog speculation!
I've got to right that down somewhere.
If it's not about boobs, I'd settle for alot of boobs.
If it's not about alot of boobs, I'd settle for a overwhelmingly tremendous infathomable lot of naked breasts.
Basically, if it's not about boobs, alot of boobs or a overwhelmingly tremendous infathomable amount of naked breasts, I'm not reading it. So there. Your loss.
But you have to understand, I'm just a dumb foreigner with a very limited understanding of the english language. But I've picked up the most important words, as you can see, from watching american movies and visiting internet forums.
Tell your sister I'm sorry, and I'll make it up to her someday if she gives me the chance. I'm a great kis... I mean conversationalist. So I'm sure she'll see that I'm not that bad a guy afterall.
Well, let's get back on topic. Don't let me bother you, my friends.
And yeah, I know this reply may seem demeaning and sarcastic as well, but I promise you it is not it's intention. It's just my attempt at trying to be funny, and failing miserably in the process. Looking forward to many great years with Telltale, their games, and the people who play them!
groop hug............
Well, that is, as long as Troy doesn't drum with his damaged toes.
Let's just repeat the last blog instead....to keep going trends....to keep going trends...
Forget it.
How about i take you there for lunch, and you write your new blog about how awesome I am, and how much you wish I worked at Telltale games...
better just write the blog about how im going to drop out of highschool and get a job at the dry cleaners.
You are SO demanding....
Very well, I will drop everthing I am doing right this instant and write you a new blog.
I hope this makes you happy.
But mark my words...when I have taken over the gaming world we will be doing things on MY schedule!
And now we're just going to get a blog, instead?
Nice going, spf1978! [-( :-L
wellcome to your third month at telltallgames!
I hope you enjoy it.
But, well
Home page http://
Cool Link 1 http://
Cool Link 2 http://
please change this!
finaly the homepage should link to http://www.telltalegames,com, shouldn't it?
And give us some cooool links.
PS.: I like your avatar B-)
I put links in just for you.
And I also looked at your links, which made me realize just how rusty my German really is....
I've always found that if you use a little olive oil, the germans wi-- oh, you were joking... Nevermind. :-s