Mother 3 Fan Translation Finished (Exclamation mark)

If somebody has not heard already The Mother 3 Fan Translation is finally done!
Get it, play it, sleep with it and support good games!
For the one who doesn't know, Mother 3 is the Japanese sequal to the light-hearted and great Super Nintendo arpeegee Mother 2 (also known as Earthbound).
I just thought someone should mention it, I have played it for awhile now and I can happily confirm that this surely is a great day to be alive.

EDIT: No love for this?
...How sad.
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Really great game so far, good balance of humour and seriousness. I've just sat through what I think is one of the most emotional moments I've seen in a game, and from a 2 year old GBA game, that's pretty amazing.
Let me just say, this is my favorite game ever.