Anybody played Little big Planet?
Anyone played this game yet? I have gotten it from gamestop via usps yesterday and even though I have played this game during the beta promo, I cannot get enough of it
P.S. I realize it is pretty easy to create a max sackboy despite not makin one yet
P.S. I realize it is pretty easy to create a max sackboy despite not makin one yet
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Waiting for it to come out in the UK though now /:
Bit miffed that we're the last place to get it (even after most of the rest of Europe), especially as it's from a UK developer (I could practically drive to their offices in an hour or two), and REALLY miffed that I'd be playing it right now if it wasn't for that kerfuffle about Qur'an lyrics, but whatever.
Just hoping the shop I ordered it from gets it on the shelves before the 5th of November anyway.
Best levels I played from the Beta, if anyone's interested, were World of Colour, Mad Mansion (both by a user called Geosautus, I think other users have been plaguarising them, so try to find Geosautus's originals) and the Construction Site series (by ratchetnotclank).
I realized in the full ver of the game, the jetpacks can be taken 0ff by press O as oppose to wagglin the sixaxis like before. I was wagglin my sixaxis tryin to remove the jetpack till l looked at the screen and realized they changed it. Smart move esp how it was hard to stop deattachin the damn thing durin the beta
But I saved it RIGHT after I got Bub's Baloneh Sammich Truck to blow everyone up...
7 days left til I can get it /:
I have.....
With my Bubs Sackboy. And mah Baloneh Sammich truck. And it involves many bombs. And rockets attached on the back of mah truck.
No picture/video, no cheat/grumble cake.
Fine, fine.... just let me get my brother off...
Okay, here they are:
That-sa lotta bombs-a! And yes, Bubs/Sackboy obliterates them all.
Even with 100 digit friend codes just to download levels? :P
Also, anyone got the Nariko skin?? I was thinkin of tradin my kratos through account swappin but ppl are askin way too much (one person asked for tekken 5 and another wanted all my downloaded games for the skin.) At the end, I decided not to since I have never traded games before and I am not sure if it is illegal or not.
Rumor has it she will be one of the pay downloaded skins at the psn
MAkes sense since the UK gets kratos via code in a book and she is the only dlc if you buy the game before it launches; does not seem fair if uk gets kratos and narkio while here one chooses
Sucks that the pumpkin and the other skins are bein release next week to synch with the uk ver. Japan and HK already got it. oh well.
Sucks to not have the game.
Does not seem fair that the US gets a UK developed game a week or so before the UK either /:
Yeah, I'm sort of fed up of hearing people all over the internet who actually have the game, complaining about not being able to get certain character costumes yet, of all things.
Be thankful you've got it, whilst us Limeys are sat here twiddling our thumbs for another 5 days.
At least you guys are eventually gettin LBP since some things made in the US the UK gets exclusive especially when it comes to things like the revival of old franchises like Monsters in my Pocket or Biker mice from Mars. LOL Heck you guys got that awful Dead Or Alive movie a year before we did and that was made in the US. LMAO
Just sayin that everything not made in the US comes to the US
Nice doing business with ya.
Media Molecule (I think?) already made a Tetris level, but this is amazing. Especially the behind the scenes part halfway through.
Also the online mode is really cool how you can just have people drop right into your pod and you can all just play through the levels! I would highly recommend it! If you don't have PS3... GET ONE FOR THIS GAME!!!
Getting so excited
Only 2 or 3 days away...
Probably the most amazing user level I've seen so far. It's barely even recognisable as LittleBigPlanet once the main part gets going.