Halloween Costume Thread
Hi all y'all forum members! I thought in order to get into the Halloween spirit, there should be a Halloween costume thread here. Post your own, or other cool ones you've seen! I'll post a few soon. Mine this year is a scientist who discovers demented creature. I'm sewing on a pocket today! I also made my friend a "de Blob" costume for tomorrow, and a Meta Knight costume for the brawl launch party! As well as dressing my puppet up as Olimar, being a decapitated head in a jar (A la' Futurama), my puppet not dressed p, a murderous Great Pumpkin, and Princess Peach (not posting). I hope to see some cool costumes.

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Except the basket has a puppet. And I has clown nose.
Heh, thats who one of my friends went as last year.
that Scarecrow does make me crap myself
Tell me what ya think!
Drake from the first Drake and Josh season? O_o
In light of this failed Halloween, I now declare this year's Thanksgiving and Xmas to be Halloween parts 2 and 3. Mark your calendars, people.
(The above is only tangentially related to costumes, but I had to remove the costume-related rant on account of it being long, rambling and pointless. So I'll put it in this thread anyway. Rest assured that this post was, at least in it's formative stages, on-topic.)
Rick Astley!
Although Ponyboy Curtis was a really awesome guess.
Never give you up! Never gonna let you doOoOoOoOown.
who is L? or did you go as the letter L?
Genius! Everyone has already been tricked once they open the door, in the form of a Rick Roll!
That would be horrifying.
"Are you supposed to be a pimp?" I'm like "Why,do you want me to be" "NO! I'M NOT A PIMP!"