Well the final bonus part of FOTD is done and over with, hope you guys enjoyed it! And happy Mother's day as well!
Take care of your … moremother because as you age and get older, your mother does as well. Be there for them until the end, just like they've been there for you since the beginning.
Ok sorry for the double post. And shadow is mexican? cool. Man and i thought i was going to be the only latin american here (im puertorican) now i know about 4 .
Ok sorry for the double post. And shadow is mexican? cool. Man and i thought i was going to be the only latin american here (im puertorican) now i know about 4 .
Thanks a lot, Simon Eggplant! Lol
Very true Happy mothers day pro and to my other bros and sis's in the forum too.
One day has passed since FOTD ended.
Waiting for Season 2 like
Just kidding.
...Or am I?
Me too but i am in NO way rushing pro
Dude just uploaded the final bonus.
I think it's a liiiiiiiittle too early to be expecting sequels xD
I know i was joking.......im bad at it sometimes
Another masterpiece by @JonGon
@infiniteDawn her character from the bonus special.
This is pretty shit. Fits her character, tbh.
Put a Squidward nose on it.
There. NOW it's art.
how the fuck does he make it so nice and detailed??
I cannot stop laughing
credit to @InfiniteDawn
still love you tho @Lord_EAA
Lul. Thanks bro
. And thanks dawn for taking the time to make it.
Want a hug?
No prob bro
Yep Hugs
Something you'll never get, white boy.
What the hell is that?
Who says I wanted it? White girl.
Um.. sorry to interupt but i don't know if shadow knows spanish
Um.. sorry to interupt but i don't know if shadow knows spanish
He's Mexican. Just a very white one.
Ok sorry for the double post. And shadow is mexican? cool. Man and i thought i was going to be the only latin american here (im puertorican) now i know about 4 .
Yo pense que tu ya sabias que yo era Mexicano, lol.
You're lucky that I'm at work. I'm afraid of what kind of gifs are going to come up when I type "Orange is the new Black gifs".
Click here!
No thanks
Perdon se me olvido amigo
Target has been spotted.
Derailing thread in three...two...one...
Thread successfully derailed. Heading home.
i h8 u
waiting for FOTD season 2 like
hey dawn forumbro wazzup
Lol a spin-off or a short 2-3 chapter thing sounds good but eh, idk, maybe not.
ill pay u big bucks b0ss