tales from the borderlands is going to be way better than walking dead

walking dead had it's moment but now it time to step aside and let tales from the borderlands shine.

tales from the borderlands is going to bring the action,adrenaline and fun that fans of walking dead have clearly been missing.

the action packed borderlands is going to make walking dead look like the slow and boring zombie franchise it it.


yes this is a blatantly oblivious troll post and was not meant to be taken seriously lol


  • HAHAHAHA April Fools ended already you know that right?
  • edited May 2014
    First you said TWAU, Now its TFTB??? Come on man! I never even heard of telltale until I saw the walking dead!
  • Come on again with this game is better than this game when its DEVELOPED by the same people and have completely different story telling.
  • tales from the borderlands is going to be way better than walking dead - SAID NO ONE EVER
  • "walking dead had it's moment but now it time to step aside and let tales from the borderlands shine"


    you mean STINK right?!?!
  • Why the hell would you even post this in this forum!
  • "the action packed borderlands is going to make walking dead look like the slow and boring zombie franchise it it"

    replace the words:

    packed with (lacking)

    slow with (boss)

    boring with (better than tales of borderlands)
  • >tales from the borderlands is going to bring the action,adrenaline and fun that fans of walking dead have clearly been missing

    Jesus, are you fucking kidding me.
  • Because he is trolling and since people want to find someone to flame this guy just put himself in the crosshair. lol

    Why the hell would you even post this in this forum!

  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh Wait Are you serious? Let me laugh even harder HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA.
  • edited May 2014
    I feel a fight coming on. Kenny: "I fight better when I'm shit faced." (Kenny to Lee when he was drunk) You can't get quotes better than this! Anyways, Nothing will ever top TWD.
  • edited May 2014
    Yeeeeeah.....no. There is no way. It will probably be good, but there is no way it will be better than The Walking Dead. Not really sure how you could call it boring either. Maybe your one of those people who will only play a game if it has guns in it and has to be full of explosions, has to have every other word be a swear, and has to have the most "epic", action packed story possible for you to even look at it.
  • [removed]

    Seems legit.

  • So everyone is saying that a game made by the same people making one of their favorite games are going to suck?
    Be a little more open minded about stuff, telltale can't make walking dead games forever.
  • nope

    So everyone is saying that a game made by the same people making one of their favorite games are going to suck? Be a little more open minded about stuff, telltale can't make walking dead games forever.

  • and they can keep making the walking dead forever.

    So everyone is saying that a game made by the same people making one of their favorite games are going to suck? Be a little more open minded about stuff, telltale can't make walking dead games forever.

  • edited May 2014
    Whatever you say, but if you're not going to change opinion there is not going to be a lot for you to do here in 2015

    and they can keep making the walking dead forever.

  • Really? Putting someone down for being optimistic?

    Whatever you say, but if you're not going to change opinion there is not going to be a lot for you to do here in 2015

This discussion has been closed.