Forum Rules, please read before making your first post...thanx;)

edited February 2005 in Site Support
Hey guys,

As you all know, a forum with no rules isn't much of a forum at all. Discussion among the other forum members concerning the need for rules led to 8 simple rules that I'm sure nobody will have problems following. Remember, if anybody has a problem/question with any of these rules, or anything else for that matter, please email me at or ask one of the guys at Telltale. I'm sure they will be more than happy to answer.
Let the ruling begin!

1) Keep cursing and offensive behavior to a minimum.

2) Try not to flame other members; friendly arguments and constructive group arguments are always acceptable. The second it gets out of hand and people feel attacked, the offensive post will be warned and ultimately deleted, if things do not cool down. the thread will be deleted.

3) No racist comments at all! If a racist thread is started or a racist post is made, it will be deleted.

4) Try to keep double-posting to a minimum. If you double-post, try to delete the extra post if that's possible. If not, a mod will get to it.

5) Try to have respect for everyone's feelings. No one wants to be disrespected.

6) Do not post any information related to infringements of Telltale's copyrights, trademarks, or End User License Agreements. Any such violations should be emailed directly to, and are gratefully received!

7) No links to piracy-related material, including abandonware. Abandonware is not legal.
If the copyright holder has given their permission to release a game for free, it becomes freeware. The majority of abandonware has not been released by the copyright holder Some may think that abandonware is not piracy, but it is. Telltale can get in trouble if anything of that sort is posted.

8) Keep things organized, try your best to keep things in order, and always make sure you're posting in the right thread/forum. There is no need to make a new thread on a topic that is already being discussed.

9) And now, the most important rule of all: HAVE FUN!


  • edited November 2004
  • edited November 2004
    Thanx chimp,

    for some reason this forum is'nt able to do the "sticky"
  • edited November 2004
    why dont we use a other forum system :D
  • edited November 2004
    Yeah, this MyVietnam Forum sucks is pretty much in alpha-state, why not use anything that works already?
    There are many very good free forum systems available, like phpBB or YaBB...
  • edited November 2004
  • edited December 2004
    I can think of 2 reasons

    1) How can they transfer all the data?
    2) They are supporting Vietnamese programers
  • edited December 2004
    Yes, propably it's too late to switch to some other board... pity.
  • edited December 2004
    thats bad
  • edited December 2004
    On the plus, the board didn't get wiped out by that work that killed thousands of phpBB boards a couple of days back!

    This forum lets me read and post messages just fine, which is why I come here, the rest of the (lacking) features are just bells & whistles anyway.
  • edited December 2004
    Yes, but it has quite a few big bugs. Like when you leave a open quote tag it can stuff up a page.
  • edited February 2005
This discussion has been closed.