Typing dead - A forum user story (submit your characters here, link to story inside!)



  • edited May 2014
    NAME: Devyn

    LOCATION: On the road or holed out somewhere with a group.

    PERSONALITY: Kind, loyal, caring, optimistic, somewhat quiet/reserved and more of a follower than a leader - but also pragmatic and will make the hard decisions when it comes to keeping friends / the group alive. (For example, I smashed Larry's skull in the dairy to keep Clementine safe.) Has a strong, STRONG desire to survive so would likely chop off a limb in a heartbeat if bitten, or even try to cut out the bite if necessary.

    APPEARANCE: Average height, short light brown hair with lighter highlights; somewhat chubby and curvy. Face is the face in my profile picture, lol (dark brown, almost black eyes)

    BACKSTORY: Just graduated high school at 16 years old, had plans to study psychology and English in college and go on to become a psychiatrist or a school teacher. Speaks French also. Much shier before the apocalypse, but likely become less shy when faced with the end of the world (there's only so many people left anyway.) Probably would prefer to be in a small group, not a huge one (but would want to find a settlement to live in.)

    this is actually me, hahaha
  • edited May 2014
    NAME: Josey

    AGE: 16

    LOCATION: Just found a new group. I don't know, this one is really up to the author, but I was thinking introducing her to a group made up of already existing characters. I don't mind having my character put in late in the story.

    APPEARANCE: Slightly short and average weight. Strong enough to fight. Dark long hair tied back in a ponytail (Suggestion: because this is kind of hazardous, I was thinking maybe have a group member save her by cutting her hair from the clutch of a zombie). Bright hazel eyes like Clementine.

    BACKGROUND: She was on a school bus home when the driver wrecked. Probably to avoid a zombie. The bus flipped multiple times and came to a stop in its normal upright position. Some students were killed from the impact and later turned. Josey recieved some minor injuries but remained unconscious for some time until she was woken by the sounds of people being attacked. She tried to save a trapped friend, only to realize what he had become. Having no other option, she escaped through the window but landed on her arm, dislocating it. Her dad was stationed at a military base in Europe when the outbreak started and her mother was at work. She is determined to somehow find both of them, but her mother remains missing and her father's whereabouts unknown.

    PERSONALITY: Basically she's been through shit but it pushes her along. Fear wakes her up instead of shutting her down. She's not exactly an optimist, but she has a strong will to fight and a sense of justice. She has a strong moral compass, although it's starting to somewhat fade. She thinks fast in tough situations. Even though her decisions are often brash, she thinks its for the best. She's independent and a bit of a loner. She starts think she doesn't need a group but really is hurting herself without one. She is curious, observant, witty, and brave. Her character flaw is that she is, in a way, too brave. She doesn't realize how often she risks her life (and sometimes others lives). Adrenaline is her vice. She could be criticized for having a "death wish". When others have given up and ask what the point is in fighting and even living in this world, she is the one who persuades (or maybe insults) people into continuing to fight. Before the outbreak, she was a bit of a nerd and underestimated due to her size and reserved nature, but now in the wake of disaster, she becomes her real self.

    WEAPON OF CHOICE: Skilled with a tomahawk, but she keeps a handcrafted slingshot from her dad with her at all times.
  • edited May 2014

    I have posted a bunch of "Improper parts" lately, as in 1 or 2 stories, and today will be a proper part, part 5! Go read it when it releases!

  • Jack (Age 19)

    Held up in a roadside diner

    Average height, but on the chubby side, wears glasses and has black hair

    Lived in a nice surburban home with his parents, was forced to kill he mum when she was bitten on the first day of the walker uprising. His father being a retired hunter teaches him the skills of surviving, but tried to kill him after a walker herd blew through their camp. Alone and desperate, Jack isn't willing to trust most people out of fear of causing their death.

  • Name: Martin

    Location: On the road

    Appearance: Tall, average build, short hair, small beard, blue eyes, green backpack, navy sweatshirt, light jeans, brown boots.

    Backstory: Use to be a mechanic before the ZA, had a wife and daughter who got separated in the first couple of weeks. He was with a small group at a gas station, but decided to take his chance on the road to find his family. When he arrived at his parents house where his wife and daughter were staying he never found them, no one was at the house. Since then he was travelling from one place to another looking for food and resources, after a while he sort of came to terms that he may never find his family again.

    Personality: Before he was organised, cheerful, broad-minded, trusting, hardworking, compassionate. After being alone on the road for sometime he became hardened, he starting to question his humanity and morals, becomes determined to do what has to be done, resourceful, a bit aggressive but still rational and doesn't trust strangers easily.

  • Part 6 is up now! Read! Enjoy! Discuss! Vote! NOW!

  • Part 7. Out now. Go read.

  • Part 8 will be out soon. Prepare yourselves.

  • I totally forgot about this character, but I've got some plans to introduce him in chapter 2, but plans do change, but as of now, he'll be in early chapter 2.

    angrykurd posted: »

    NAME: Riza LOCATION: You find him on the road walking trying to find an airport APPEARANCE: 5'9" 171 cm 70 kilos, athletic l

  • You just got introduced into the story! I know you were a reader of Raging_Blades' story, so I thought you might like to know you are now in the story, and must make a choice. The link:



    sardines posted: »

    NAME: Devyn LOCATION: On the road or holed out somewhere with a group. PERSONALITY: Kind, loyal, caring, optimistic, somewhat quie

  • edited September 2014

    NAME: Chris

    LOCATION: Inside theres barricaded House him and his mom are using as shelter

    Appearence: Male,Brown eyes,Average Height,American,Coarse Black Hair,Beard Stubble,Red Chicago Bears tshirt,No Hat,Jogging Pants

    Backstory: A Guy in his late 20s Living with his mom and was a manager at a hardware store before the zombie apocalypse happened and was helping he was helping her cope with the loss of his dad aka her husband obviously and her husband John Helping her pay the Bills and overall was known as a nice guy before and during the apocalypse

    There is my character diagram for you to work off of

    If the story is still running

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Part 8 will be out soon. Prepare yourselves.

  • Hey, you're in the story now! Here's a link:http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/70787/typing-dead-a-walking-dead-forum-story/p10

    Not that exact page, but you get the idea. Read, vote and enjoy!

    Name: Tyson. Location: In a mansion. Appearance:: Medium sized black cornrows, hazel eyes, 18 years old. thin and tall (6ft 5'). Backs

  • I'm finding a way to work in your characters.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    NAME: Chris LOCATION: Inside theres barricaded House him and his mom are using as shelter Appearence: Male,Brown eyes,Average Height,A

  • Sry for the late reply ill check it out

    maxbear29 posted: »

    I totally forgot about this character, but I've got some plans to introduce him in chapter 2, but plans do change, but as of now, he'll be in early chapter 2.

  • Yeah, he's not quite in it yet, but I have plans.....

    angrykurd posted: »

    Sry for the late reply ill check it out

  • NAME: Tom

    LOCATION: High-school

    APPEARANCE: Short,a little bit overweight teenager.

    BACKSTORY: He was in the bathroom when it all started,his best friend walked in,bloody and wanted to bite him.He punched him,and was holed up inside the cafeteria,blocking the entrance with tables,and chairs.

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