Sam & Max are old!
I just did the math while watching Chariot of the Dogs & Sam y Max are estimated to at least be in their 40s. Man, Max doesn't even look a day over 12 for Satan's sake!
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Max would have to be over 35 to be able to be elected president, anyway.
But if you consider the webcomic to be in the same continuity as the games, then they spent about ten years buried alive and are actually younger than they seem. I like that theory. It explains why it took them so long to get a new case that Max thinks that the local lawbreakers must miss their esoteric brand of personalised criminal justice. Early 30s is how old I think they are, too.
Also, in the comics there's a panel captioned "Try this! Swap yearbooks with someone roughly your own age and take a look-- They're all the same people!" The picture shows Max reading a yearbook dated 1977, and Sam reading a yearbook dated 1976. So their birthdates were pushed forwards almost a decade for the games. I'm glad they're not that young in the comics; they'd be too young to buy beer in Monkeys Violating The Heavenly Temple, which is significant because Sam mentions Fizzball.
Max doesn't seem to visibly age at all. Just look at old Max in Chariots of the Dogs. Don't look at the cartoon episode the Dysfunction of the Gods. (Covers it with one hand) It tells dirty lies.
(Note: Those last two sentences were a joke)
Can they regenerate? This would also explain the subtle change in appearance and voices over the years...
yeah we know that from 204
timelords of 8 or some time periods
Wasn't that in the constitution? The same one was abolished for our rights?
But as for a technical explanation, well with all the time paradoxes they've created maybe they have irrepairably shunted themselves outside the regular time space continuum and are now the Dave Bowmans of the animated world.
I think that depends on Purcell XD