terrific and not so terrific

i have to say this episode of sbcg4ap has to be your best yet and i am deeply impressed and i just got the demo but the funmachine game...sucked.No offense and all telltale but you could've done soooooo much better and you have! i was just expecting a big blowout awesome game to go with the big awesome blowout episode!im sorry but you just didnt exceed the awesomeness.but (this is just a guess) i bet you made a cruddy game to make
8-bit whatever i cant remember
fun machine game totally awesome!:);):D


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    Which episode are you talking about?

    I actually found Space Circus Catastrophe (the game in Dangeresque 3, which I assume is the one you're talking about) to be the most entertaining Fun Machine game so far. It's my personal favorite of the season. :)
  • edited November 2008
    i was talking about ep. 4 but now that i actually know how to do some stuff its better but its still not your best.
  • edited November 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Which episode are you talking about?

    I actually found Space Circus Catastrophe (the game in Dangeresque 3, which I assume is the one you're talking about) to be the most entertaining Fun Machine game so far. It's my personal favorite of the season. :)
    Personally, the one I felt was the "best" so far is L:HBO. It's one of those games that uses a set of simple rules which, combined, generate a robust experience with a certain degree of nuance and strategy to the gameplay.

    SCC is one dimensional in that respect, as it boils down to "press the one correct key quickly, repeat." It's pure reflex, which is fine, and I like the progression of the planets as levels, but it just doesn't have that extra layer of depth that makes HBO stand out.

    However, while I feel like L:HBO is the most well-designed game so far, I'm still torn as to which one is my favorite.
    Math Kickers might have been my favorite if the hand-to-hand combat wasn't as clunky. I didn't feel like there was enough "warning" that an enemy was about to attack, which made every hit feel like a cheap shot.
  • edited November 2008
    My problem with the space circus game was that I didn't play the "simulation" at all before I was required to play it, and I wasn't able to figure out the controls.
  • edited November 2008
    You really thought it was that bad? It was one of my favorites. My only complaints were that it seemed a little to easy, and it can be hard to pick up the machanics involved in choosing the side you need to dodge to, but overall I thought it really doesn't deserve do be titled as a bad game.
  • edited November 2008
    Am I the only one who doesn't care about the minigames in terms of actual playability? They seem more like a joke than anything else. Generally I play them once to be amused by the bizarreness and the video game parody involved, and then don't really look at them again. It's basically something to make you laugh, to be a little "Easter egg" like what's in the H*R toons, and to add a little more interactivity to the world.

    At least, that's how I've always seen them.
  • edited November 2008
    Now that I get how to play the Space Circus game, it is kind of fun.
  • edited November 2008
    I personally think that SCC is one of the best games yet. It's hard and fun,
    but not completely IMPOSSIBLE to get the awesomeness score.(Like HBO)
  • edited November 2008
    I liked it...

    But seriously, I don't like the idea of a bonus game as a whole when compared to a longer play time or more collectables.
  • edited November 2008
    Am I the only one who doesn't care about the minigames in terms of actual playability? They seem more like a joke than anything else. Generally I play them once to be amused by the bizarreness and the video game parody involved, and then don't really look at them again. It's basically something to make you laugh, to be a little "Easter egg" like what's in the H*R toons, and to add a little more interactivity to the world.

    At least, that's how I've always seen them.

    I agree. I mean, I get the point (AKA joke) of them and all, but those kinda games aren't really much fun to me either.
  • edited November 2008
    HBO and SB5 where top notch in my book. Then SCC and MK.
  • edited December 2008
    Why does everyone hate Math Kickers? That was the best of all. Now, if they'd bring back TGS...
  • edited December 2008
    I think the thing that happens is that someone can't figure out that if a peanut comes at you from the RIGHT side, dodging UP won't do much good, and they just think that they didn't manage to dodge fast enough and that it's too hard because no matter how fast they dodge they still get hit, so they complain about it on the boards, but then figure out what to do and end up looking silly. That's also why no TTG staff members have a problem with it.
  • edited December 2008
    Was that last post directed at anybody in particular, Holyxion?


    I figured out what to do alright, play it on a different machine! After that, yeah it was easy as pie.
  • edited December 2008
    Well, a lot of people seem to be complaining a lot only to be like "um... it's actually not that bad" after a while.
  • edited December 2008
    Not me, I still say it blows.

    Notwithstanding that I beat it, I cannot forgive SCC for giving me early stage carpel tunnel, high blood pressure, acute depression, and severe migraines.
  • edited December 2008
    You could have just used the A bomb. If you had max awesomeness except for that for a while you should have had the manual page that tells you how to use it and if that doesn't work, you could also have paused as soon as soon as you see something.
  • edited December 2008
    I still haven't used that A-bomb. I heard somewhere that it doesn't give you any points, which seems pointless to me considering the levels were constantly getting harder for me. Why skip a level with no reward, just to be met with one that's harder?

    The pausing thing didn't work well, either. It was always the food spawning right in front of my face that kinda ruined it.

    I'm gonna stick to Hot Bablien Odyssey. Videlectrix should really standalone that one.
  • edited December 2008
    Yeah, I guess it doesn't really matter now that you beat it.
  • edited December 2008
    In my opinion, it doesn't really help at all that Strong Badgeresque constantly keeps moving his head in front of the friggen screen. Sure it's only a small part of the screen, but it's part of the screen nevertheless.
  • edited December 2008
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    In my opinion, it doesn't really help at all that Strong Badgeresque constantly keeps moving his head in front of the friggen screen. Sure it's only a small part of the screen, but it's part of the screen nevertheless.

    Totally agreed. His comments get annoying too. Highly HIGHLY doubt they could be ported to standalone games easily, but if they could be (and were), I would be very happy.
  • edited December 2008
    Maybe they could have them up on the site somewhere, the dev blog maybe? Videlectrix might get mad at that though.
  • edited December 2008
    Holyxion wrote: »
    Videlectrix might get mad at that though.

    But Videlectrix "made" them. Considering Jonathan Howe (however you spell his name) was apparently in on the minigame design, He knows the code and stuff. If there was any way to port them games over to flash, it would kick major amounts of whatever you want it to kick.

    I can see it now: http://www.homestarrunner.com/babelien.html

    And hey, as an added bonus, all the people that like the standalone minigames might buy the whole SBCG4AP kit and kaboodle!

    win/win! I can play hot babelien odyssey whenever I want, H*R might generate more funds, leading to them getting more content up!
  • edited December 2008
    poohead900 wrote: »
    Considering Jonathan Howe (however you spell his name) was apparently in on the minigame design, He knows the code and stuff.
    He wasn't. He did all of the music for all the minigames (plus some additional music for episode five), but wasn't involved in the design or programming of them. For the minigames, you've got Mark, Mike, Tulley, and me to thank/blame.
  • edited December 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    He wasn't. He did all of the music for all the minigames (plus some additional music for episode five), but wasn't involved in the design or programming of them. For the minigames, you've got Mark, Mike, Tulley, and me to thank/blame.

    Well in that case
    Thank you.

    Except for Space Circus Castastrophe. Emphasis on "catastrophe" (constructive criticism, don't kill me). The greatest thing that could happen to these minigames is a port to standalone .swf flashes. I doubt it could be done easily, considering the code compilation for the TTT vs. (relative?) simplicity of straight .swf's.
    Still would be awesome to see them released under Videlectrix's moniker standalone'd.

    I was just sayin'. Hot Bablien Odyssey, or even snake boxer 5, ported to something simple like "disk4of12.swf" would prove once and for all that "the whole is lesser than the sum of the parts."

    If I've lost you a while ago, I'm sorry. I'll try to explain myself better in a less inebriated state.

    Even if them minigames still gave me headaches *cough cough, SCC*, its far better than what I could have done. So I don't have much room to criticize.

    Thanks again, if for nothing more than Hot Bablien Odyssey. Back in the day people would pay the whole season price just to play something that simple. I still haven't gotten to 200,000 yet.....

    And it makes me feel like I got my money's worth!
  • edited December 2008
    Yeah, Space Circus Catastrophe can suck my foot. Hot Babelien Odyssey was in my opinion still better, and more fun at that. It actually resembled a real game.

    Man, someone should really try and port it over to C64.

  • edited December 2008
    poohead900 wrote: »

    404'd! Don't put up links that don't exist

    Personally, I think all these minigames rock! This could be because I played the original they were based upon. (Atari Boxing, Double Dragon, Defender, Space Mountain off the The Adventures in the Magic Kingdom game) In fact I thought that Space Circus Catastrophy was an exact copy of the Space Mountain game, but more fun!

    Personally, I think the minigames add consistancy yet something new in every episode. Kind of like the C.O.P.S. minigames in Sam and Max season 2 only more interesting.
  • edited December 2008
    poohead900 wrote: »
    But Videlectrix "made" them. Considering Jonathan Howe (however you spell his name) was apparently in on the minigame design, He knows the code and stuff. If there was any way to port them games over to flash, it would kick major amounts of whatever you want it to kick.

    I can see it now: http://www.homestarrunner.com/babelien.html

    And hey, as an added bonus, all the people that like the standalone minigames might buy the whole SBCG4AP kit and kaboodle!

    win/win! I can play hot babelien odyssey whenever I want, H*R might generate more funds, leading to them getting more content up!

    1. You spelled Jonathan Howe right

    2. I meant Videlectrix would be annoyed if their games were up on the Telltale website.
  • edited December 2008
    Ah. In that case, yeah you're probably right.
  • edited December 2008
    Yeah, if they were up on their own website I don't see how they could complain, and who knows? Maybe they will after SBCG4AP is over. Might be a while though, what with the Dangeresque Roomisodes taken up the entirety of their 3 man workforce.
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