Bad Brain asking for help
I just got an email from asking fans of Sam and Max to help Bad Brain aquire the rights of the duo. It all seems pretty pathetic.
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Try unprofessional. "We tried our hardest, it was all their fault, now please please go beg Steve Purcell to help us pleeeeeeease!" Yeah, way to go guys.
I'm not impressed. I figured this would happen.
Probably, but I'm sure talking about while supposedly having signed an NDA slightly hurt the chances.
And if fans are going to persuade Purcell to give the license to any company, you'd think it'd be Telltale...
EDIT: Can someone put up what the email says
EDIT: or is it just what tyraarane quoted
No, that wasn't what I just quoted...I was paraphrasing what Bad-Brain said in the Inventory thread and at their website, or rather, what they came across as. The e-mail is as follows:
The following is an email sent to you by an administrator of "The
Inventory". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you
find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the
following address:
Include this full email (particularly the headers).
Message sent to you follows:
Today Wolfgang Kierdorf, CEO of Bad Brain Entertainment, announced at
BBE's website ( that the negotiations with Lucasarts
hit rock bottom. HOWEVER, there is still hope to get the rights for Sam
and Max 2 as the rights return to Steve Purcell on May. So it is then
up to Steve Purcell whether to give the rights to BBE or not.
Wolfgang started a thread at the Bad Brain Entertainment forum in which
he asks you to send a message to Steve Purcell, showing how much you
would like him to give the rights to BBE, so that we can finally see a
sequel to this classic adventure. The thread is:
So give a helping hand to the great effort of BBE by sending your
message to Steve Purcell. And ask your friends to do it too!
EDIT: Okay I read the thread on Bad brains forums. It was pretty good for a laugh. They treat seem to think that Steve Purcell doesn't have a clue about the gaming industry.
i suspected this bad brain stuff all along but it still makes me extremely pissed [>:)]
They've already said they do want it, and will probably try to aquire the rights as their 2nd licensed franchise. You have to assume the current "Coming Soon" announcement will be the 1st license deal.
I believe they said at one point that they wanted to open negotiations with Purcell once LucasArts lost the license in May...? This whole three ring circus may have changed their minds, though, and I could see why it would--I'm getting sick and tired of all this myself. Still, if it came down to either Bad-Brain or TellTale getting the vote goes with TellTale. I trust Bad-Brain about as far as I can throw 'em.
EDIT: Whoops, JP already answered that point. Hooray for crossing posts.
as for bad brain..if steve purcell gave the people that came up with the idea of "the orgastic four" sam and max i'd probably have to kill myself
Except Quizzoid.
I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but I don't blame Wolfgang for LucasArts being such dickweeds. If Wolfgang should be attacked by a gang of wolves, we all should. I think most of us sent complaints and hatemail to LucasArts when we heard they cancelled Sam & Max, and we were all ultimately ignored and denied, just like Wolfgang and all of his bling bling. If they won't listen to the teeming masses, then there's no hope that they'd listen to a German with money coming out of his wazoo. I mean, who would have thought that LEC would say no to a pile of money? No one, that's who.
Now excuse me while I go fill LucasArts inbox with goat porn.
The thing is Telltale has a team with an actual history, a lot of it adventure related, some of it even Sam & Max 2 related.
Still, Bad Brain is just a publisher at the moment. They're tinkering around with some of their intellectual property, so it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that they have someone else develop Sam & Max. And Telltale does have S&M* experience, making them the best choice to make a deal with.
*That is, S&M as in Sam & Max. Not whips and chains hanky-panky. Who knows what REALLY goes in that infamous closet?
He's German. Not stupid.
Edit: (to cover my ass)
But it's possible. He could be a nincompoop. I don't think so though. I think he's just a risk-taker. A lot of people take risks, but they don't necessarily get verbally shanked by the online community if their plans fall through. Once, I told a friend I'd eat a ham sandwich for lunch. But the place where I was eating didn't have any ham. When I told my friend, I never heard the end of it. Also, I just made all of that up. There was no ham sandwich.
Maybe Purcell is just cursed. :-/
He's not being verbally shanked for taking risks, but for generating false hype surrounding his attempts, not to mention manipulating a bunch of optimistic Sam & Max fans.
However, I'm not going to hate the guy like so many others. I'm a rebel like that. B-) Still, I'll say I understand how everyone feels, and just let it go at that.
it looks like all they want is to force Steve Purcell to give them the Licence.
They already have 4 projects started, and it is no EA games... That s enough i think. Odd one of Them is suposedly designed by Monkey 3 director Tiller, i have too much to do to refinish monkey 3 to check but what did he really do in CMI ? I am asking because in movies they would tell you "by the producer of xxxxxx" where in fact the producer did nothing for the movie except giving money.
The only thing i hope is Sam and Max landing in competant hands and be treated with all due respect for Purcell s work and talent.
Bill Tiller did the art in CMI, and I believe he was the art director, as Bad-Brain's site claims. I'd be surprised if he wasn't. And A Vampyre Story is being done by Autumn Moon, Bill Tiller's company, not Bad-Brain--BBE is just publishing it.
Max, the rabbit-y thing, with his oblong head, looks like he was dropped on the head when he was a young bunny-ling, too.
Like Stewie, from Family Guy. But he was jumping on the bed and hit his head on the ceiling.
But these are just cartoons, or course. Not real. Hehe... Nope... not at all... :-B
Hehe.. but it could work, it sounds like a pretty funny idea, actually.
im talking about the "new comic" steve pucell never the collected sam and max..the last page has a drawing done by steve of sam and his new partner.. obviously the story is already witten in comic form but i think it would translate to the game well.. having to find max at the start of the game, and once finding max finding the culprit i think would work in an adventure game of course a lot of hilarity would be involved