A moment of Silence...

edited November 2008 in CSI: Gaming Discussion
For the CSI series on the PC. After 3 Dimensions of Murder I was sure TTG would keep developing the CSI games for Ubisoft.

But Lo! A horrible beast called Legacy took it and made it into a horrible find and click on random objects that have no relevency to the case and you dont actually do any forensic work and beat the game in 4 hours.

I hope Ubisoft are ashamed at the moment, surely they seen an early beta of the game to stop it in its tracks. At least when TTG took over they knew what the fans wanted and didnt change the good flow of the game as like the previous CSI titles.

So im not going to ask of course what happened, but it seems Legacy have this knack at getting TV game deals and then well, ruining them.

They ruined the Law and Order games. And none has ever appeared since then.

They ruined what could have been fun, The Apprentice, but Donald Trump was willing to give them another shot even after seeing the game was a kids Diner Dash wannabe, and what happened they did another Diner Dash-a-like. And no more of that franchise will appear im sure.

And now CSI:NY, oh Ubisoft what could have been a great title and much anticipated since it was the only show not done on PC, is now going to be buried deep for no-one to see again.

And whats even more funny is the price! and its not even a complete game, they are allowing people to get the 5th and final case early next year via download. Lordy!

So my fellow CSI fans, do please say a few words as the beloved departed are thrown into the hells of PC games that just didnt make it right next to Big Rig Racing.


P.S. if you didnt see the sarcasm, then in plain english DO NOT BUY THIS GAME! :P
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