More populated environments in Season 3!
Just a simple request.
The locations in Seasons 1 and 2 are shockingly barren - in particular the street, Sybil's, Bosco's and Stinky's. While there is some comedy to be had from the idea that Sam and Max are their only customers, it would be nice to see the NPCs just hanging out doing stuff in the background. 205 had a little bit of this, and it was brilliant.
If the story has to be wiped clean so new fans will understand without having to play the other games, using characters from the old games for this purpose would be a good way to please old fans without alienating new ones.

If the story has to be wiped clean so new fans will understand without having to play the other games, using characters from the old games for this purpose would be a good way to please old fans without alienating new ones.
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Just a thought
I agree 328,897%!
This doesn't work in a game because each scene must be rendered dynamically (also a reason cutscenes tend to be higher quality in most games than gameplay scenes)
I'd like to see an additional character or two (akin to in Epp 1 where the poppers were randomly inserted into Boscos or Sybls) but making a highly-populated area can force higher specs on the gamer's PC and can, even then, make it ludicrously slow if overdone.
just for active enviroments, not so static and empty gief back feel of orignal Sam & max