save game not being recognized (PC)

i moved my episode 3 save games to episode 4 but when i start up the game it says that i dont have any saved games.

This is my support tool file :

edit : also i dont mind if someone can share episode 3 save game files with me with good choices. saves me a hassle from trying to fix the problem :)


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. After looking over your support tool information, your game data file structure does not seem to be set up correctly. Can you please clarify where you have the game installed? Possibly on another drive, or a different computer from where you ran the support tool from?

  • This is what comes up when i run the support tool at the beggining i thought it was an error too :

    I have it installed on the e drive in the steam folder i tried to run it with adminstrator and compatibility windows 8 and 7 and in the same drive.

    I run windows 8.1 if that helps.

    I apologize for the inconvenience. After looking over your support tool information, your game data file structure does not seem to be set u

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify what you mean by 'Moved Episode 3 save games to Episode 4? Also, is your E drive a drive in your computer, or an external drive?

    Dark1lla posted: »

    This is what comes up when i run the support tool at the beggining i thought it was an error too :

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