Make-o-You-Own Drive-Thru Whale Quote Contest
Contest ends in Feburary!
One Grand prize of no (0) Strong Bad game(s) for Wii! (winner won't be sent a PM with a contagulations and request for friend code- do no give here!)
BUT, before you start chucking full bottles of merlot at your computer screen:
a)remember that SBCG4AP will quite litterally leave your Wii console a smoldering crater
b)numerous people don't even want the prwise
c)you will not get ye flask. I'm sorry, but them's the breaks
d)you will win a customised avatar for your profile. Just gimmee an idea if you win and I'll ship it to ya as soon as I want to.
We cool? Now gimme a hi-five.
Two runner-up prizes of pictures of pizza trophies (maybe you name on it)!
Here how you do it:
Don't forget to give the gift of lard!
How about a meal with your whoozit?
Please stay calm and re-enter the building.
(P.S. No real quotes)
(P.P.S. Like Homsar? Then see this other quote contest!!)
OK, I let yous go have fun now.
One Grand prize of no (0) Strong Bad game(s) for Wii! (winner won't be sent a PM with a contagulations and request for friend code- do no give here!)
BUT, before you start chucking full bottles of merlot at your computer screen:
a)remember that SBCG4AP will quite litterally leave your Wii console a smoldering crater
b)numerous people don't even want the prwise
c)you will not get ye flask. I'm sorry, but them's the breaks
d)you will win a customised avatar for your profile. Just gimmee an idea if you win and I'll ship it to ya as soon as I want to.
We cool? Now gimme a hi-five.
Two runner-up prizes of pictures of pizza trophies (maybe you name on it)!
Here how you do it:
Don't forget to give the gift of lard!
How about a meal with your whoozit?
Please stay calm and re-enter the building.
(P.S. No real quotes)
(P.P.S. Like Homsar? Then see this other quote contest!!)
OK, I let yous go have fun now.
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(Also, I'm doing this for fun, no prizes please.)
Not even a pizza trophy picture?:( OK, if you want to opt out of the contest prize-giveaway, then put "I'm a poor, pathetic loser who is too shy to get an awesome prize"-er, I, mean, put "NP" for "no prize" somewhere in your post. You'll still win 2nd and 3rd place, tho
Okay, I'll play for a trophy.
Here it is:
Would you like to eat a yellow kitten? No! Yes! Maybe! Maybe not! Maybe Yes!
WHAT?!? Gifting is only in the US?!?! Aw, I don't live in the States... are you sure?
What if you lived in Ontario?
Not-In-Front-Of-Your-Computer, formerly known as "Canada". It's near New York and Quebec... ring any bells? Shuts any books? Blows out any candles?
oh, and by the way:
please pack your sealtbelt for a lonely day.
Stand heavily, please. No diving helmets will be fined.
Let the light guide you, sir. It's flavorful and granulated.
Blubb-O's is always proud to rupture your spleen.
The pasta is extra demonic today. Wafers need not apply.
Blubber chips are now half off.
Really, no prizes. I don't have a Wii anyway.
We have a no-refund policy. However, if you would like your gravy back, defeat a lard with some sauce.
We use 100% genuine whale blubber. Please sign this waiver, in case there is an extra gram of cholesterol.
you: huh?! *looks up at the sky*
whale: thank you.
Unoriginal! Automatic Worst place! Ding!
So... what do ya think, The Cheat?
"Mehmehmeeh meh meeehme mehmeh!"
I concur!
You don't get a ding.
(Check out our combo meal)
You're sorry, but we only accept toilet paper. Please give yourself a swirly in an unflushed toilet, then we will discuss your love life.
Wait, why am I doing one?
Oh, well. Keep up the good work.
Side effects may include nausea, heart attack, stroke, retard-disease, and death. We will not be held responsible for the consumption of this food.
(Edit: I re-read the rules, and yes, it is themed. Sorry for being stupid.)
Sorry, Maximillia, no comprende Esperonto.