4 centimeter black!

Just 4 centimeters of the top of my screen is black, so I can´t even read the top of the meny! I´m trying to uninstall and reinstall the game on my mac to see if that helps, but it won´t budge! It wont be uninstalled either!

I bought the game here on telltale games....if that is a information that helps. I have played the three first episodes without this problem. The problem occurs now, even before I am entering episode 4.

I hope for help soon....!


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you please clarify if you have purchased the game from Telltale Games, or Steam? Also, please read this Sticky on how to run our Support Tool, and follow the steps to run the tool, and reply here with the download link copied and pasted into a reply. You can find the Sticky here:


    After receiving the information from your support tool, I will be able to assist you further.

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