What do I do?
Yes, I made another one. Ok, here we go. I am a rabbit in an Ice Cream truck. you wonder why you have no customers. You then see a Grey Tabby Cat in a pizza truck with a lot of custemers.
What do I do?
A. Talk to the Grey Tabby.
B. Go to my house.
C. Go to the grey tabby's house.
D. Call my friend.
E. Go to the store.
What do I do?
A. Talk to the Grey Tabby.
B. Go to my house.
C. Go to the grey tabby's house.
D. Call my friend.
E. Go to the store.
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What family secrets does he have that make people visit him?
He says: Well, Everyone seems to like pizza more that Ice Cream.
What do I do?
A. Go to my house.
B. Go to the grey tabby's house.
C. Go to the store.
D. Call my friends.
E. Talk to the grey tabby again.
C. Go to the store.
Buy more icecream!
What do I do know?
A. Go back to the Trucks.
B. Go to the grey tabby's house.
C. Go to my house.
D. Call my friend.
Offer him some icecream. If he refuses, FORCEFEED HIM!
What do I do?
A. Go to the trucks.
B. Go to my house.
C. Call my friend.
D. Go to the store.
Wait, that would be disgusting.
Ok, You arrive at the pizza truck.
Places you can enter: Pizza Truck, and Ice cream truck.
People you can talk to: The grey tabby,and all the customers.
MAP: Your house, The grey tabby's house, and the store.
What do you do?
Wait, wait. Don't change the style of the game, I let you go on with it, it's really not a big deal
You are the Rabbit. You are at the trucks. What do you do?
A. Talk to the grey Tabby.
B. Go In the pizza truck.
C. Go in the Ice Cream truck
D. Talk to the long line of people.
MAP: Your house
The Grey Tabby's house
The store.
What do you do?
> throw opened ice cream at Grey Tabby!
You then walk out of the pizza truck.
What do you do?
A. Go back in pizza truck.
B. Talk to grey tabby.
C. Go in Ice cream truck.
MAP: Your house
The Grey tabby's house
The store
HINT: The grey tabby has a recipe somewhere in this game. Maybe if you can look for it, you can make yourself more popular than that Grey Tabby!
What do I do?
go to: the grey tabby's house.
look for the recipe
What do you do?
A. Go in pizza truck.
B. Talk to the grey tabby.
C. Talk to the line of people.
INVENTORY: Ice cream bucket.
MAP: The Grey tabby's house.
Your house.
The store.
CURRENT ADDITUDE: Hopeful about getting custemers.
> search for recipe
What do you do?
A. Throw Ice cream at robot.
B. Tell him he's mean.
C. Ask him 2 times 4.
D. Call him a retard.
MAP: You can't go anywhere right now.
What do you do?
What do u do?
A. Make a pizza.
B. Tear up recipe.
C. Sit down an' do nothin.
MAP: The trucks.
Your house.
the store.
INVENTORY: Ice cream bucket, Pizza recipe.
What do you do?
1. Pizza doough
2: Hot Sauce
3: Cheese.
You then tear the recipe up.
What do you do?
A. Go back in the grey tabby's house.
B. Play the Grey tabby's video game.
C. Run around yelling "GIZMO!"
MAP: Your house
The Trucks
The Store
CURRENT INVENTORY: Cooking up a plan.
What do you do?
What do you do?
A. Look in the basement.
B. Walk in the backyard.
C. Call your friend.
MAP: Your house
The store
The trucks
CURRENT ADDITUDE: Wanting a money back guarentee for sme reason.
What do you do?
What do you do?
A. Call your OTHER friend.
B. Look under the rug.
C. Go in the back yard.
MAP: Your house. The Store. The trucks.
CURRENT ADDITUDE: Exited to play the better video game.
What do you do?
> disguise yourself as someone else with whatever you can find, then deliver ice cream.