Wolf Among Us - Menu Loads, After Selecting Storage Device...

Once I select the storage device, it black-screens, and nothing I do gets a response. I can't even get back to the Xbox menu. I have to do a soft reset.

Looking at older articles, I found one that had a similar problem. So far I've cleared my system cache, and I've deleted The Wolf Among Us, then re-downloaded it.

I still have the same problem, sadly.

... I should note, in case it gives any idea- about an hour prior, the game worked. I cleared some data off my hard drive to make room, though I touched nothing in Wolf Among Us. Now it can't get past picking the storage device.

EDIT: Also of note, currently Xbox Live is reporting problems with its Purchase and Content Usage. ... So maybe it's not you guys at all, Telltale. Just trying to give as much info as I can.

EDIT2: Walking Dead Season 2 has the same problem after selecting a storage device.


  • Same thing is happening with us. When my wife starts up the game as soon as she presses start it locks up the whole system. An answer from telltale would be nice on this post to ease our minds but none is expected.

  • Just tried this minute and it got through. So whatever it was, it seems to be passing.

  • Try this. Sign out of your xbox profile...start the game up with out being signed in...when asked chose your profile. Worked for me.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for any difficulties this has caused you. Please try starting the game again while connected to the internet, and you should not experience this issue again. Again, my apologies for any inconvenience you have experienced.

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