Worth buying the season pass?

Last year, I bought the season pass for Walking Dead S1. I played through it but never again. It was just too simple of a game. Good story, but not really a "game" to me. I played it, but didn't really "play" it.I then bought Season 2 Episode 1 and noticed that not much has changed.

I bought Wolf Episode 1, but it felt more of the same. It seems like watching a Let's Play of these new games would be almost the same thing since my choices have no big change to the ending storyline of a the game. Are there any significant changes to the game? Or is it still just the same, make a decision that doesn't truly matter?


  • edited July 2014

    If you didn't enjoy episode 1 I don't think the rest of the series is going to change your mind. If you want to slightly alter the story through your choices and experience a wonderful Noir murder mystery. I highly recommend it.

  • edited July 2014

    I guess the point and click genre just isn't your glass of Bloody Mary. I would say no in your case, or, you could wait until all the episodes come out on the disc for cheap.

  • Out of The Walking Dead Seasons 1, 2 and the Wolf Among Us, TWD S1 is probably the most 'game-like' of the three (as in, it has a few puzzles scattered throughout and more occasions where you stop to look at your surroundings). The story branching in the TWAU is similar to TWD in that your choices may affect dialogue, your relations with certain characters, and (in the TWAU's case) what additional details you uncover about the investigation; but there is no major story branching so far.

    As freelancepolicefan11 said, if you're not having a good time with TWD or episode 1 of TWAU, I'd probably give the season pass a miss.

  • For me, it was. I was able to get it for only $15 on my tablet, which was a pretty good deal. However, it doesn't sound like you enjoy this style of game as much as I do. These games are almost like interactive movies. I could play them over and over again because I enjoy watching my favorite movies many times. If you're not that into the story and if you're not the type to watch something more than once, then no. It probably won't be worth it to you. These are very story-heavy games. If you really love the stories, go for it, but like you said, you can just watch a Let's Play if you're not satisfied with the choice element. You sound like a casual fan of the games, so your best bet is probably just waiting for a Steam sale or something like that. I was able to get a copy of TWD S1 for only $5 during the Steam sale. They were selling it super-cheap because they were releasing the second season passes for TWD (which I bought too, but for $25). Just wait for a sale. They are pretty frequent on Steam, if that's where you buy your games. It's a compromise between getting the Season Pass and not getting it at all. In the meantime, while you're waiting for a sale, you can always watch one of those Let's Plays if you want to know what happened.

  • Well you don't buy the latest TTG games for gameplay, they are more of an interactive stories than games. If you don't like them then I doubt you really need to buy TWAU but you're missing a lot.

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