Unless you really mean anti-climatic. But then the most anti-climatic ending would be Bigby defeating Al Gore in unarmed combat and killing him, therefore preventing him from making An Inconvenient Truth and alerting the world to the dangers of global warming.
I don't know, that sounds pretty climactic to me.
Unless you really mean anti-climatic. But then the most anti-climatic ending would be B… moreigby defeating Al Gore in unarmed combat and killing him, therefore preventing him from making An Inconvenient Truth and alerting the world to the dangers of global warming.
...Telltale should totally hire you.
Haha. "Manslaves".
I don't know, that sounds pretty climactic to me.
Unless you really mean anti-climatic. But then the most anti-climatic ending would be Bigby defeating Al Gore in unarmed combat and killing him, therefore preventing him from making An Inconvenient Truth and alerting the world to the dangers of global warming.
Man, what a travesty. A world without Al Gore?!! I don't think I could go on living.
Dafuq did I just read?