Max Plot Q...

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max
In 204 Max changes from disliking Femmes to an absolute Casanova... was this a permanent change or is he back to hating the fairer sex? I was under the impression this was a temporary change but IIRC I saw nothing in 205 to confirm this... though likewise I saw nothing to say it was permanent either, so...


  • edited December 2008
    one thing I never understood, is if max is apparently opposed to women, that why in episode 104 when sybil talks about what sort of man she's looking for, max doesn't seem opposed then?
  • edited December 2008
    Trust me, never try and understand Max, you'll just end up getting really confused.
  • edited December 2008
    If you talk to Max after the whole "Lagamorph Porn Music" scene with Momma Bosco, there's an option where Sam will say that he doesn't feel comfortable with Max being a lady's man.

    I won't spoil the punch line, but let's just say it's a dig to all of us commenting about Sam & Max's continuity "problem."
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