Nigel The Hook...
....has become an obsession for me. 
I've understood all the references in the fourth panel of the comic (Ginny Weasley, Teletubbies....), but....WHO/WHAT IS NIGEL THE HOOK?!?! :-/
Being Italian, I couldn't catch some peculiar American / English references. Someone could help me out?
I've read all S&M comics but I've never had such a problem.

I've understood all the references in the fourth panel of the comic (Ginny Weasley, Teletubbies....), but....WHO/WHAT IS NIGEL THE HOOK?!?! :-/
Being Italian, I couldn't catch some peculiar American / English references. Someone could help me out?
I've read all S&M comics but I've never had such a problem.

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but I don't know if he's ever referred to as Nigel THE Hook or if it makes sense for him to be in Britain.
However, it is pretty funny to imagine what Sam and Max might have done to tick this guy off.