iOS Episode 5 "this choice is blank"

After following injured georgie to the strip club. There's no dialogue (I hearno talking) and no dialogue options at all (3x "this choice is blank + 1x "...")
Now the girls head just fell off and I have no idea why.
Now Georgies dying (?) and Bigby is leaving and I have no idea what's happening.

i'm so pissed right now.


  • That has happened a few times with me. All you can do is just restart the episode, and it should be cleared up. I had the same issue with the opening Scene of episode 2

  • same thing on 2nd + 3rd try.
    is there a way to delete just ep 5 and reinstall it?

  • I would suggest exiting, restarting the app, and rewinding to before things went bad. It should fix the problem.

  • edited July 2014

    been there, done that.

    EDIT: thanks for trying to help guys. much appreciated. will go for a walk with my dog and lower my blood pressure before trying again one more time.

  • well you could also try to restart your device and make sure no other apps are open when you next try, not sure whether that would change anything though

  • edited July 2014

    hmmmm.... this happens every time? so first, if you haven't done any of these things yet do them now.

    1. Restart the app.

    2. Rewind the episode and play again

    3. Delete and re-install Cry Wolf (if possible)

    4. try the Support Section or email

  • It seems like on iOS one cannot delete single episodes.
    i now just continued playing and after leaving the Pudding&Pie everything went back to normal.

    Still, i spent more time trying to "fix" this than the Ep lasted.
    I'm not amused.

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned

    yup...this has happened to me in the IOS version on my ipod in the past for episodes 3 and 4; plus major crashing in episode 3 during the end fight when i downloaded to my ipod last night i had great fear that all the action in episode 5 was not only going to lag like crazy but crash left and right...but surprisingly, it NEVER crashed once...i was shocked...a bit of slowdown, and the graphics were not as clear as the pc version (disappointing - ex. the photos in the warehouse were hard to see kind of)...but other than that and some small lag worked just fine.

    not to say i think telltale needs to release an update to improve on some of these issues i just mentioned.

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned

    what i do now after i download and install is close the application, and restart my ipod...and per my post below, i had ZERO crashes or instances of "this choice is blank!" either i got very lucky or this method works.

    raindoc posted: »

    same thing on 2nd + 3rd try. is there a way to delete just ep 5 and reinstall it?

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned

    i love my ipod and being able to play TWD and TWAU on it....but after seeing all the youtube videos, I am almost thinking about just purchasing the game for my pc as well since there is no lag and looks even gorgeous (and of course much bigger).

    i own the jurassic park game on pc and contrary to what some say, i love it and the graphics are beautiful and cool gameplay (not as cool as TWD or TWAU, but still back to the future good except in both these games your choices do not matter as it all follows the same plotline)

    raindoc posted: »

    It seems like on iOS one cannot delete single episodes. i now just continued playing and after leaving the Pudding&Pie everything went back to normal. Still, i spent more time trying to "fix" this than the Ep lasted. I'm not amused.

  • between this, the long waits and the price reductions I'm done with TTG, at least when it comes to buying their games + season pass for the full price on day 1.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies for the delayed response. Please also try closing the game and all other applications running in the background. This should free up necessary system resources. (To close an app running in the background on iOS 6 and before: double tap the home button to make all running apps appear at the bottom of the screen, hold down on an app you wish to close and red buttons will appear, tap the red buttons to close the apps. If on iOS 7, double tap the home button and swipe up on the open apps to close them) Also, please turn off your iOS device for at least three minutes before attempting to play the game again. This will allow the device’s cache to clear.

    Then after restarting your device, please reset the WiFi by turning the WiFi Settings Off, and back On again. Then try starting the game application again, and see if you are able to successfully complete the episode without running into this issue.

    raindoc posted: »

    between this, the long waits and the price reductions I'm done with TTG, at least when it comes to buying their games + season pass for the full price on day 1.

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