Poll: Best Sam & Max Song

edited January 2009 in Sam & Max
What is your favourite song from sam and max? (This includes the cartoons, games etc.)

Sorry if I missed a song, I haven't played season 2 yet!


  • edited January 2009
    I'm torn between "Welcome to Ted E Bears" and The C.O.P.S. Theme song... though 2nd place is definitely "Max Max world"

    Of the three listed, I guess The War Song is best...
  • edited January 2009
    Glazed McGuffin day. I have that one on my phone. :3
  • edited January 2009
    Max World, but I'll have to take The War Song.
  • edited January 2009
    Ted E. Bear's Theme
  • edited January 2009
    I vote hands down for the war song. It was totally awesome and unexpected. lol. Let's not do that again :P
  • edited January 2009
    Mine is the Toy Factory music, by far - that's one fabulous piece.

    Then the Mariachi Song, N-O-M-A-F-I-A, The War Song and World of Max on roughly equal terms.
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