Flint Paper in S3

edited January 2009 in Sam & Max
a lot of people have said they would love to have an episode to play as max in series 3, but seriously i think having an episode playing as Flint Paper trying to save sam and max would be even better!
or even (maybe getting a little extreme here but...) a spin-off series of his own? hmmm.
any thoughts?


  • edited January 2009
    hummm... can you say FAN LICENSE! lol. too bad everyone wants identical VAs over all series now, or that might have a shot...

    Seriously, though, it would be nice, and we all want to see flint back, but Flint's life is a parody of S+M's adventures. Always. So it would be rather pointless for TTG to do, it's almost like the same story told from a different perspective.
  • edited January 2009
    i see what ur saying, maybe it's just me but i like the idea of playing the parody for a one off episode. seeing things from a diff perspective could be fun, even if it is pointless to the plot, just for one ep.
  • edited January 2009
    for a single game, yeah, it would and man would the dialog be radically different lol

    Series though would be quite a stretch unless it takes up where S+M leaves off when the current series ends.
  • edited January 2009
    I think you could do it for like a 30 minute section of an episode and see how it plays out, if it works and the fans response..
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2009
    Would it actually be cool to play Flint Paper for any period of time at all? I like how both in the comics and the games, Flint only shows up for a few minutes, has some very brief interactions, and then is gone again. Playing as him would make him decidedly less enigmatic, which might not be for the best. It could also, of course, be awesome. Who knows.
  • edited January 2009
    It might be cute to have a short sequence playing as Flint in an FPS spoof, just because I remember some interview with Steve Purcell showed him having some brief, amusing thoughts on the FPS perspective, with the way the gun is held nearly at eye level, and bounces as the player walks.
  • edited January 2009
    yeh i agree that a series would be way too much but what hero1 said about having just a little section of an episode as him - i think that would be good, flint turns up to save the day or something in the climax of an ep,
    or even like how the three of them bust into boscos at the beginning of 204, that kinda sequence but you have to switch between sam, max and flint to continue. i liked them as a trio at the beginning of that ep.
  • edited January 2009
    Seeing as how telltale has a penchant for mini-games... Maybe we could play him in one of those, like a thug pummeling mini-game.

    You get to control him, but its still a brief cameo...
  • edited January 2009
    Yeah it's one of thosesituations where if you give him more to say and do do you lose some of the mistique that is flint paper.. Don't really know the answer to that.. I did think that his brief appearances in season 2 worked really well.. I think a storyline where flint goes off the deep end and max has to reign him in would be pretty funny.. Instead of max alwaysbeing the crazy one
  • edited January 2009
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    Maybe we could play him in one of those, like a thug pummeling mini-game.

    You mean, "like a thug pummeling in a mini-game"? :D
    Anyway, I like the idea!
  • edited January 2009
    Playing as Flint in a cliffhanger situation, for instance the end of Epi 4 thru the early part of 5, trying to rescue Sam N Max would be cool.
  • edited January 2009
    @ luigihan: fun idea, but one MAJOR problem - T3 has no physics engine. They're have to pay out the tail to license Hawking physics (or some physics engine - I'm not familiar with the others) to handle all the necessary dynamics of a FPS. So I highly doubt that would happen...
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    @ luigihan: fun idea, but one MAJOR problem - T3 has no physics engine. They're have to pay out the tail to license Hawking physics (or some physics engine - I'm not familiar with the others) to handle all the necessary dynamics of a FPS. So I highly doubt that would happen...

    Who says an FPS needs a physics engine? Charlie and I talked about how to expand his Castle Poopenstein work into a basic, but full 360 degree FPS environment at least and sophisticated as Quake I. This is not an affirmation that we will be exploring first person game play in S&M Season 3 or any other game, but never say never, because we like doing fun new stuff.

    Also, did you mean Havok Physics? I'm not sure ragdolls were covered in a Brief History of Time :)
  • edited January 2009
    You don't remember that bit where Hawking proposes a see-saw on which you can place a beer bottle, then jump on the other side to send it flying? I'm pretty sure it was a metaphor for causal relationships between gravitational phenomena.
  • edited January 2009
    Shauntron wrote: »
    Also, did you mean Havok Physics? I'm not sure ragdolls were covered in a Brief History of Time :)

    *facepalm* sorry... brainfart... *awkward laugh*

    Though admittedly it at least turned out funny!
  • edited January 2009
    I don't want to play as Flint, that would ruin the mood; But I dearly hope he makes another appearance (I campaigned for his appearance since the start), but with more violence, isn't he supposed to make Max look tame? :)
  • edited January 2009
    Quuux wrote: »
    isn't he supposed to make Max look tame? :)

    in terms of violence, maybe. in terms of insanity... well... I dont think that's possible... lol
  • edited January 2009
    One thing I noticed when reading the comics (got Surfin' The Highway for x-mas!) Max is much more violent then he is in the games, the only instance I can think off when he was as violent was what he did to Demon Peepers.
    Yes, excellent grouping.
  • edited January 2009
    One thing I noticed when reading the comics (got Surfin' The Highway for x-mas!) Max is much more violent then he is in the games, the only instance I can think off when he was as violent was what he did to Demon Peepers.

    and don't forget the intro to Hit the Road!
  • edited January 2009
    I never got Hit the Road. It's not available anywhere I look............. :(
  • edited January 2009
    Look on eBay. Plenty of brand new ones at affordable rates.
  • edited January 2009
    Harald B wrote: »
    Look on eBay. Plenty of brand new ones at affordable rates.

    I highly advise you to use SCUMM VM instead of the acctual game app, otherwise it wont run if your on Vista and prolly not on XP. (but you do still need the game media to use SCUMM VM)
  • edited January 2009
    Flint is one of my favorite characters in the game no doubt, but I think playing as him might kill his savvy. I loved how he came guns blazing into 203, but he should be limited to great moments like that and leave the mystery on him.
  • edited January 2009
    I think they already kinda killed the mystery for me in 204, when he just stands their in Bosco's. I kept looking at him going "Do Something!". All in all though that was my favorite episode.
  • edited January 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    I highly advise you to use SCUMM VM instead of the acctual game app, otherwise it wont run if your on Vista and prolly not on XP. (but you do still need the game media to use SCUMM VM)

    not entirely true actually myself and multiple others have reported that the newest versions DO work on all windows operating systems. many older versions however will require scummvm (a program that i fully endorse)
  • edited January 2009
    really? my copy wont load on vista (but it's probably really old too)
  • edited January 2009
    I'm going to buy a new one on eBay... but I got SCUMM anyway, just in case.
  • edited January 2009
    Yeah i must say i dont really wanna play as other than Sam & max, i rather have max play a more vital role in Season 3 and forward, him being able to do more mean stuff to get items or answers out of people, by beating them out or like so.

    But it would be nice seeing more of Sam & Max's building including Flint papers office and what he might have :)
  • edited January 2009
    I like the idea of seeing his office and I like the idea of him being mroe improtant to the plot, but I think if you add him as a character to get/use items, your starting to encroach on RPG territory (it's now a "party" of characters, each with their own special abilities) I'd like to see more of the S+M building anyway though, even if it's through a security-camera block so you only see one small view of each room.
  • edited January 2009
    Actually, if they did use Flint Paper heavily in an episode, I'd love it if it had a real film noir/Raymond Chandler feel. I mean, pretty obvious, I know, but still, a real out and out noir themed episode would be just beautiful.
  • edited January 2009
    I got my copy of Hit The Road, gonna start playing now.
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