Name one game you played ( and liked ) that you are sure nobody knows.
Let's hear it! I am making this thread hopefully so we can learn about great games that went by un-noticed. Also it could give us something to look at while waiting for the next piece of info from TellTale's next project. Pick whatever system you want. Only request is, i'd like for it to be a unknown or little known game ( that's right kids, no GTA,RE,METROID,MARIO,ZELDA,FINAL FANTASY ETC ). A short description of it and links to it if possible so that we may learn about it and enrich our gaming knowledge. Also, if you name one game and later on think of another, feel free to share! Just remember, little known or games you think you are the only one to know.:)
Have fun!
My first game is : Ecstatica.
System : PC
Genre : Horror
This is one of my favorite games of all time. A great title that plays like the old resident evil and alone in the dark games. It was made by psycnosys and released in 1994. It featured elipsoid technology ( kinda bubbly graphics ) and very moody gameplay. What made this game special is that you could play this game like 10 times, and still see something new. Some scripted sequences happened rarely, and i remember there was some sort of werefolf like caracter... and he always came up with new ways to give you trouble, and he reapeared throughout the game many times. I provived a link to the begining of the game i found on youtube so you can see if it is for you. It's a game i treasure, and it's worth discovering especially if you are a fan of old adventure games.
Link to a youtube video :
Have fun!
My first game is : Ecstatica.
System : PC
Genre : Horror
This is one of my favorite games of all time. A great title that plays like the old resident evil and alone in the dark games. It was made by psycnosys and released in 1994. It featured elipsoid technology ( kinda bubbly graphics ) and very moody gameplay. What made this game special is that you could play this game like 10 times, and still see something new. Some scripted sequences happened rarely, and i remember there was some sort of werefolf like caracter... and he always came up with new ways to give you trouble, and he reapeared throughout the game many times. I provived a link to the begining of the game i found on youtube so you can see if it is for you. It's a game i treasure, and it's worth discovering especially if you are a fan of old adventure games.
Link to a youtube video :
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I really want to know what that game is called!
skies of arcadia DC/GC turn based rpg
1080 avalanche GC snowboarding
splinter cell double agent (original xbox only) stealth
dreamfall PC/Xbox adventure
all i can think of thus far
side-scrolling space-fighter, done know what you'd need to run it, it was from the days of DOS before mouse-control was even possible!
even older!
Scrolling shooter using a joystick and what looked like flying carpets... Commodore 64!
It's not all that obscure, but the number of people that go "Huh?" when I mention it is staggering. It was a PC and PS1 third person shooter from Shiny.
For a truly obscure one, I'll have to go with the Hugo Quadrilogy. Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo 2: Whodunnit?, Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom, and Nightmare 3D. First three were adventure games (with text parser), and the third was a mediocre FPS with fantastic music. Great stuff.
No, really. It's an actual game. It was also my first one ever.
Here's the story: It's Tetris...with DISNEY CHARACTERS. I believe the story involved running for mayor and collecting (read: stealing) tokens from other characters who were just walking around in no actual specified path near their house. Oh yeah, the trash cans, the mailboxes, the phones, and the street lights all talked(?!). I really wish I was making this up.
I think Beyond Good and Evil was pretty well known. I should reinstall it eventually...
very few copies were sold
I remember those games. I have all of them in 1 collection for DOS.
I was one of the few who actually bought Beyond good and Evil for the gamecube. It's a very pretty, interesting, lovingly made game. I recomend it to anyone who likes Zelda type gaming. I also had SOA on GC. It was an awesome RPG, one of my top 5.
I'll try and check the other games you guys are mentioning...But i'll pass on the Disney Tetris game. :P
I've found that pretty much no one I know has ever heard of the Dragon Warrior (or Dragon Quest, same difference) series. Have you guys?
This is one of my chidhood favourites. You played an alley cat and had to climb up bins and washing lines trying to get inside rooms of an apartment. In each room their would be a different task (eating from dogs bowls while they sleep, eating mice that were inside the holes of a giant swiss cheese, eating goldfish from a strangly deep fish bowl while avoiding electric eels). And if you won one of these you got a chance of kissing the furry lips of the lady cat.
was 1 and 2 on snes. 3 and 4 on ps1, 3 was rereleased on psp too
Dragon Warrior was one of the first RPG's I ever played, I loved it
Aye, played it. Fun game.
Glad that people know of Hugo.
Speaking of obscure games, I used to have a compilation CD *full* of them. Unfortunately, it's gone, and the only place to get it was at a local computer show back in the 90s. If I had known that my copy was irreplaceable, I would have taken far better care of it.
And one more game to add to the mix: Maabus. Good luck finding a copy. It was a truly unique PC action-adventure game that, sadly, never sold well.
Let me see...
How about Syndicate? I was good at that game as a kid but now I suck! lol.
Barbarian? That was fun.
Cosmo's cosmic adventure
Jill of the Jungle
Monster Bash...
IN fact any of the Apgoee or Epic games from the early 90s. Crystal caves and Secret Agent were always favorites.
I enjoyed Faust... has anyone else actually played that? Er.. Seven Games of the Soul in the US (Faust is a far better name damnit)
It's a bizzare game, really really bizzare and more well.. click this pixel, watch cutscene than actual game play.
Still, it's wierd and I found that interesting.
Ghost Master! Noone bought it! and it's cool! Far far too short but it really didn't deserve the shit reviews it got. I mean, it's fun! Who doesn't love haunting people right?
Creatures, again.. a game that had a small but mad following. I still have a stuffed toy norn, it's adorable.
Bust a Groove - Best... dancing game... ever.
Incredible crisis - PS1 game, totally insane mini games the way only Japan can do it. Seriously, it's nuts.
Magic carpet - I sucked at it, I suck at anything that involves dexterity. It was fun though... I just wasn't very good.
Raptor - yet another air craft, shooty game.
I LOVED Hugo, especially the second game! It was demented!
Let me see...
How about Syndicate? I was good at that game as a kid but now I suck! lol.
Barbarian? That was fun.
Cosmo's cosmic adventure
Jill of the Jungle
Monster Bash...
IN fact any of the Apgoee or Epic games from the early 90s. Crystal caves and Secret Agent were always favorites.
I enjoyed Faust... has anyone else actually played that? Er.. Seven Games of the Soul in the US (Faust is a far better name damnit)
It's a bizzare game, really really bizzare and more well.. click this pixel, watch cutscene than actual game play.
Still, it's wierd and I found that interesting.
Ghost Master! Noone bought it! and it's cool! Far far too short but it really didn't deserve the shit reviews it got. I mean, it's fun! Who doesn't love haunting people right?
Creatures, again.. a game that had a small but mad following. I still have a stuffed toy norn, it's adorable.
Bust a Groove - Best... dancing game... ever.
Incredible crisis - PS1 game, totally insane mini games the way only Japan can do it. Seriously, it's nuts.
Magic carpet - I sucked at it, I suck at anything that involves dexterity. It was fun though... I just wasn't very good.
Raptor - yet another air craft, shooty game.
I LOVED Hugo, especially the second game! It was demented!
Jill of the jungle was odd with the boomerang daggers...
Monster bash was fun but I never figured how to get past the dragon...
I have a CD with a huge number of these games on it
All the games I left in the quote: Win.
Aaaand, I've got some more to contribute. (I love this thread, it's getting me all nostalgic)
Rise of The Triad. It was originally going to be the sequel to Wolfenstein 3D, but it turned into a completely different game. Funny as hell, best MIDI soundtrack ever, and an absolute blast to play.
Wishbone and the Amazing Odyssey. Yeah, it was a kid's game, but it was also a solid point-and-click adventure. And it was based on the greatest show ever.
Rocket Jockey. A very strange game involving various sport-like games played on a rocket.
And two better known titles:
U.N. Squadron
Mashed! Fully Loaded
And as a reply:
The Magic Carpet games are beyond awesome. I can never understand why no-one has made a modern sequel to them with proper multiplayer support. How cool was it to cast comets and create volcanoes while battling huge monsters and oversized bees and building fortresses and recovering mana with hot air balloons!
Anyone else play the adventure game Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge?
you do realise that it was tony hawks pro skater 4 with a different skin don't you?
Too bad they didn't make another one. Ah well. Twas a pretty good game, great for skating game beginners. And with a nice music playlist, to boot!
On my family's first PC I had a game from Mastertronics called Conflict where you took the role of Israel and, through diplomacy or war, you have to defeat your surrounding neighbors. You could even develop nuclear weapons but the moment you used one everybody got pissed, so I usually saved them to use against my final neighbor. When starting, or fighting, a war you could also select whether your military attacked a military or civilian target. You could buy weapons from the US Britain France or a private arms dealer(who was selling Russian hardware) and depending on how kind or vicious you are, and how much you buy, you could buy better and better equipment.
How 'bout the Horde? Good GOD that game was full of awesome. I mean seriously, it was so messed up. I wish I could find a copy somewhere.
Lil' Devil? That game was difficult, I could only do a few rooms, the one with the boulders always got me. gah.
Of course, there's always the classic of Mixed up fairy tales, which was totally random. I remember borrowing that and Eco quest from a friend heh. Loved them but found that if you didn't find cinders shoe FIRST before talking to her, for some reason you couldn't finish that story. ANNOYING.
KayJay, if you liked Shadowgate i really recomend Uninvited and Deja Vu, also for the nes. They are exactly the same type, by the same people and company. It really rocked.
Also these posts motivated me to try and find myself the Hugo trilogy. It seems decent. But where....oh where could i grab that? Mmm. I love these games:) Keep em coming! And did anyone check out Ecstatica?
And purple_monkfish, that Ghostmaster game is less than 5$ on steam. I tried the demo, seemed decent. It's dirt cheap if anyone wants to look into this game. It reminded me of : The haunting starring poltergeist on the Sega Genesis. Actually that's the last decent EA game before Dead Space ( not counting sports games )
Super ShaggE to the rescue!
For some reason, he changed the titles of the games and revoked their freeware-with-option-of-donation status, but it's worth the ten bucks he's asking.
As for Nightmare 3-D, just download the shareware.
It has all of the awesome music, and the music is the only reason to bother with this.
huh. i never thought of that.:D
I'm serious.
Dragon Warrior is a pretty well known set of games! There are ten games in the series! It was the first RPG I played, as it came with, I think, my subscription to Nintendo Power. It was surprising to receive a full game cartridge when I renewed for the first time.
Those who missed the '90s (weird?) might not have played Out of This World, which is kinda cool. Maybe? I don't play that many weird games, sadly.
OMG Out of this world is also one of my favorite games. Awesome and highly cinematic at the time. The reason i liked it so much was because it was sooooo different than the rest... It was called another world on PC i think...and also, there was a sequel made on Sega cd called heart of the alien.
And by the way Shagge. Thanks a lot for the link and info. I appreciate it.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest Shenmue 1 and 2. Originally designed and released for the Dreamcast, Shenmue 2 was only released on the xbox in North America. It was essentially a real time fighting game/rpg crossover where a young man is seeking revenge against a martial arts master of a strange style who murdered his father, also a martial arts master.
One of the greatest features of this game was the ability to do just about anything.. you can get jobs and spend your money in the arcades if you wish, or you could take your martial arts training seriously and practice whenever you get the chance. You do improve as you practice, and it's a good idea to do so or you'll screw up a move in a real fight and either fall down or leave yourself open to getting kicked in the back or head.
You end up traversing most of Asia seeking this murderer, while getting involved in a deep story involving ancient stone mirrors representing the dragon and the phoenix (won't go into too much detail as to avoid spoilers). The first game may be tough to find at this point but if you buy the second one for xbox, it comes with a DVD detailing the major events of the first game in a couple hours (though if you take it seriously the game takes much much MUCH longer). Unfortunately because this game was not so popular, they haven't released the next few games and have no plans to develop them in the near future. Very lame, this story needs to be finished.
I almost wanna dust off my Dreamcast and play the first one through again. I'm sure there are still a few scenes I've missed.
If you didn't read all that I'll just say: great story, great music, great fighting system, great graphics (for the time), lots to do, lots to see, unfortunately never finished (ultimate cliffhanger).