Who else has Surfin' the Highway?

edited February 2009 in Sam & Max Comics
I don't know if there's already a thread about this. If so, sorry for reposting.
Who else got Surfin' the Highway? I got the softcover, because I can't really afford the hardcover right now, but I LOVE it.
What was your favorite story, favorite quote, and favorite activity page?
My favorite story was probably "Bad Day on the Moon". I liked the comic version better than the version in the animated series, personally.
My favorite quote...
Max: Sam, maybe something good will eventually come out of all this.
Sam: Besides a mouth-watering soup stock?
Max: Shut up, Sam!
I was laughing for a long time after that. XD
And my favorite activity page is definately the board game from "On the Road".
Well, discuss!


  • edited January 2009
    I got the paperback aswell because I got the Sam and Max gift set. And yeah there is a similar thread but not the same.
    My favourite comic was The Beast From The Cereal Isle, because of the depth illustration. My favourite activitie page is Disguise-O-Rama (but I couldn't condem cutting up the comic).
    My favourite quotes are
    Unsavoury Pal #1:Heres Salmonax, or watever they are.
    Unsavoury Pal #2: I swear i'm gonna eat thatlittle guy some night.
    Sam: Say hello to yyour unsavoury pals, Max.
    Max:Hello unsavery pals! Whats new?
    Unsavory Pal #2: Were gonna eat you fuzzy.
    Max: Tee Hee
    Sam: Drugged and packed into meat pies.What kind of curdeled brain could think up such a thing.
    Max (pointing at brain stuck on the wall): This one!
  • edited February 2009
    I got my copy along with the dvds. The thing is, I also had the original print of Surfin' the Highway back when I discovered that Sam and Max was a comic book! as well as an awesome computer game. I also have VHS copies of the cartoon, too. :o
  • edited February 2009
    Favorite villains? Mine is definately Mack Salmon. He's fun to tease. XD
  • edited February 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Favorite villains? Mine is definately Mack Salmon. He's fun to tease. XD
    Me to, he seems to be the only one to act like a traditional villian ( not that theres anything wrong with them being different).
  • edited February 2009
    It was worth the six weeks it took to get here, and I don't say that about much. There wasn't a problem, I just ordered the season two DVD at the same time, and it wasn't out yet.
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    What was your favorite story
    Terror on the Tanbark. I have a thing for kid versions of characters.
    favorite quote
    Too many. Any line when Max takes the wheel, including the part where he just says "I can feel the warmth of its presence". I just thought it was funny that Sam had to direct him because he couldn't see over the wheel.
    favorite activity page?
    Our Bewildering Universe. It has many of my favourite quotes, and the poses, especially Sam's in the Baffling Animal Wonders panel, are just perfect.
    (but I couldn't condem cutting up the comic)
    So does that mean you think it's a good idea? :)
  • edited February 2009
    Yeah, I enjoyed Terror on the Tanbark too, because I'm one of those girls who squeals when something's cute, and they certainly are adorable children. :)
  • edited February 2009
    I don't have it now, but soon, I WILL! Quick question: Is it just the hardcover that's special edition, or is it both?
  • edited February 2009
    They're both the anniversery edition, but the hardcover is autographed with some extra stuff, I believe.
  • edited February 2009
    Cooool. It sucks having parents monitoring your spending. Stupid economic crisis.... lemee buy my book.... that's $60. x_X
  • edited February 2009
    got the hardcover, number 1540
  • edited February 2009
    I knew some of the scenes in German before I got the book, but it's still extremely funny. :D
    There are just so many great quotes and scenes that it's hard to tell which one's my favorite, but I'll try.
    I guess my favorite story would be Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple, closely followed by the nameless saloon scenario from 1996.
    The ridiculousness of it all just made my day. I love that kind of humor.

    I can't settle for a quote, but among the several that made me laugh most must be these:
    Sam: "I'll just stash this behind a bush."
    Really just about everything Max ever says.

    My favorite activity page has always been (and probably will always be) the paper bag Max-head puppet. I love it so much I used to have a copy of it in a frame on my wall when I was younger. It also became a victim of my fan-art ambitions. Behold the majesty of nail polish on egg: eggssamnmaxam5.th.jpg
    (yeah, I got carried away with it. Sorry.) ;)
  • edited February 2009
    Ooh, that's a swell job on the egg! Did you eat it afterwards or hide it in your back yard? XD
    Also, when I was still in P.E. I used to run out in the middle during dodgeball and scream, "DEATH FROM ABOVE!" Nobody ever knew what the heck I was talking about.
  • edited February 2009
    lol. :D

    I keep it in that wardrobe-thingy in the background. It has glass doors, so I keep all my favorite decorational stuff in there.
  • edited February 2009
    Wow, that's one nice egg! Nice job! :D

    And yes, I'm also an owner of the paperback version of Surfin' the Highway. :) (couldn't afford to buy the hardcover edition with shipping costages all the way to Finland, and well.. one store here was kind enough to actually order some paperback editions into their shelves, so I bought it straight from them! :D )

    Death from above was definitely one of my favourite parts, too. XD
  • edited February 2009
    Ordered: Yes
    Received: Not Yet
  • edited February 2009
    Oooh, hope you enjoy it as much as I did (and still am). I carry that thing around with me everywhere.
  • edited February 2009
    I'm probably going to get the paperback version. I don't really care as long as I get one XD
  • edited February 2009
    It's in my state now. GAH!!!! IMPATIENCE!!!!! *blows up*

    No more impatience! It arrived today. So far I've only read the first comic. Now, onto the rest!
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