Did you have any least favorite additions? Usually when you make a thread like this you have to actually start it off yourself, otherwise it just looks like you're encouraging others to complain!
My absolute least favorite addition: 30 + 75. Seriously, what were they thinking? 30 totally phoned in his performance, and 75 has always been awful. And the ending, with 105? Who didn't see THAT coming?
Anyway, my least favorite addition was the audioswap thing on youtube, and the new facebook. I have no least favorites on this site.
there have been a hell of a lot of changes both UI and stuff behind the scenes like checkout
I'll take 24 + 57 over that mess any day.
Lol that's what I thought.
I'm not particularly fond of new Facebook either. It just looks weird
you just killed it, it was alive but now it's dead, well done (jokey face)