Post Editing

edited June 2005 in Site Support
Any chance of a post edit funtion? I never notice my typos in the preview screen, only once they're live. :(

Oh, and maybe replace those generic smilies with original Telltalised versions. We all know Dank can wink.


  • edited October 2004
    Has the edit function not been available since the beginning?
  • edited October 2004
    Has the edit function not been available since the beginning?

    Uhh. It probably has. I just didn't notice the icon there all by itself in the top left until just now.

    Maybe I should just delete this thread forget it ever happened.
  • edited March 2005
    Don't do that. There should definitely be an extra edit link bunched up with "Reply with quote" etc. That little button is hard to notice and doesn't immediatly say "Oh, here's what I click to edit the post".
  • edited June 2005
    I always want to click the "go to the top" button for editing.
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