My Max Lightwave Short Film

Here are some renders from a 30-second animation I created at uni.
Everything was modelled from scratch and rigged. I wasn't going to post anything until it was finished, but I’ve been rather lazy recently.
Hopefully season two of Sam and Max will re-spark my enthusiasm to complete this animation.



  • edited February 2009
    I love Max's grin in the last panel. So adorable! I hope you finish it!
  • ArtArt
    edited February 2009
    Cool. Make him a werewolf. That's why he's smiling.

  • edited February 2009
    Very nice, so is that it? Or is there more?
  • edited February 2009
    Art wrote: »
    Cool. Make him a werewolf. That's why he's smiling.


    I always suspected Max was a werewolf-- wererabbit. Weresomething. XD
  • edited February 2009
    That Ferris Wheel reminds me of Carnival Night Zone in Sonic 3.
  • edited February 2009
    Any kind of amusement park now reminds me of Lorne. *Shudder*
  • edited February 2009
    Art wrote: »
    Cool. Make him a werewolf. That's why he's smiling.


    Actually he's smiling at the moon cause of the end of episode 6.
  • ArtArt
    edited March 2009
    When do you think it's going to be finished?
  • edited March 2009
    When do you think it's going to be finished?
    I don't know if i will ever finish it. Just need time and motivation i guess.

    here's a 50 second preview of what i've done so far.
  • edited March 2009
    FINISH IT! Is that enough motivation? Seriously, that's awesome.
  • edited March 2009
    That is a really cool video! You should definately finish it!
  • edited March 2009
    Wait... 50 seconds, you said it's 30 seconds!
  • ArtArt
    edited March 2009
    splash1 wrote: »
    Wait... 50 seconds, you said it's 30 seconds!

    The longer, the better, man.:cool:
  • edited April 2009
    that is pretty nice animation character. I like Max with those big smile. I hope you finished it, kids will going to love it.
  • edited May 2009
    finish it or god help me!!!!
  • edited May 2009
    Technically it's okay, but you need a lot more work on that animation. Plan it out more. Go through a blocking pass, add in overlap and swing on the hands, fingers, head, spine. Your timing is completely linear, you also need to add in more ease-in/ease-outs, and use video reference when planning a walk. There's no vertical movement in the hips, and no rotation. Learn about walking. To get you started, you need to establish more solid contact poses, passing positions, extreme ups (happens just after passing position), extreme down (just after contact). Loosen the whole thing up a bit.

    Think about your staging and camera angles. Camera animation is important too, and the shots you've taken so far aren't interesting. Have the camera behind his foot as he steps in to stand in and admire the park, give us some angled shots. Make it look interesting.
  • edited June 2009
    not interesting? well i'm sorry i wasted your time.

    what you suggested is beyond my expertise.
    smooth motion in lightwave is very difficult to do.
    each bone is controled by null, which is why it seems linear and stiff.
    I've tried using ik booster to make the bones more fluid but the ik chain keeps stuffing up. I should probably re-do it in maya or something that caters better for animation
  • edited June 2009
    I'm currently studying for exams, and should be free by the end of this week. I might try finishing it then, (if I can still remember how to use lightwave).

    What I’ve shown you is 50 seconds of a 3 minute animation, and since its not finished I don't think it's fair to be criticizing it just yet. I have 4 pages of storyboards yet to include, and its syncrinized with a specific song.
  • edited June 2009
    I criticise because I want to help you. If you want this to be good, read through my suggestions again and think about which ones you can actually do, and how to use them to improve your shots. Do some more research into how to animate - I don't mean from a technical perspective, but an artistic one. If you want to get into the animation/3d industry, you need to learn to take constructive criticism. If I didn't care, or didn't want to see you improve, I wouldn't have posted at all.

    Oh, and by "not interesting" I meant not interesting because the camera and animation work need improving - I was using it in a more visual sense, they don't draw your eye around well.
  • edited June 2009
    Sorry just a little tense from uni.
  • edited June 2009
    I've done a few anims in LW 7 too years ago, I know how hard it is and how time consuming. Pirateguybrush has some valid points though. Some more squash and stretch to give it more character and give the character the appearance of weight would indeed improve it a lot. I would have thought the current state of LW to be more capable to do character animations, but apparently it's still a bit limited. Going over to Maya may only make it worse as you need to learn an entirely different animating system.
    I think there are a few plugins that make some parts move automatically like Max's ears. That could be made to move like an antenna for example.

    Good luck!
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