What Ever Happened To...
Does anyone here remember some of the great users from '08 that just don't seem to go here anymore? For example, anyone remember someguyfromazoo? Or maybe TrogLlama?
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"That ShaggE guy is pretty great, eh? Glad he hasn't left..."
Those of us who still do come regularly (or semi-regularly) tend to float towards the forum games lately, for the same reason that some people aren't coming at all. A lack of news means a lack of stuff to talk about, so we all come talk nonsense while we wait for some new TTG-related topic to talk about.
Yeah, I can believe that. I remember being with the crowd of new users when SBCG4AP was going to be realeased. Wow that feels like only a month ago when I was on a thread posting how many minutes are left until SBCG4AP episode 1 will be released on Wiiware. Hopefully we'll get some more people when S&M season 3 is officially announced, because I'm starting to get bored of you guys
For the record, I left because something stupid happened with a cable and my internet got cut for a couple of days. I didn't want to catch back up with the forum, so I just kind of... forgot, and then I came back 'cause I finally got around to ordering my Season 2 stuff and remembered how awesome Telltale is.
Wow! So I'm guessing that this is your first or second post since you came back?
I made a couple before this one, but pretty much yeah.
agreed. its always like that on band or games companies forums. f.e. my favourite band just released a new song on their myspace and the forum is a lot faster thaan usual despite it being 2.30 am
Some Guy From a Zoo came back, by the way! That guy is awesome!