Who's the Narrator?

edited August 2005 in Bone
Hiya there. I was just wondering who it is that narrates the trailer for Bone (and I think Texas Hold'em as well). At the moment I'm guessing its someone from Tell Tale and... no offence... but it doesn't exactly sound too proffesional, not really a complaint, just a ... thing.


  • edited August 2005
    Man, this is not the first complaint I've heard about the narrator. What the heck was so bad about him, anyway?

    I'm not sure it's the same guy, but I know the announcer in Texas Hold'em is in the credits...but if you dislike the voice so much I have to wonder what your motives are for wanting the name. ;)
  • edited August 2005
    Hiya there. I was just wondering who it is that narrates the trailer for Bone (and I think Texas Hold'em as well). At the moment I'm guessing its someone from Tell Tale and... no offence... but it doesn't exactly sound too proffesional, not really a complaint, just a ... thing.

    Were you expecting that deep, raspy voice that we hear in just about all movie trailers? I for one am glad that the narrator didn't use that highly overused cliche for the Bone trailer.

    (For those grammar/spelling nit-pickers, sorry about not accenting the "e". An accented "e" ends up looking like �. To talk about a highly overused clich� just didn't look right.)
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