Pave? Pave what? That's it? Pave and here's a million dollars...or pave and here's your own spaceship... I mean what the f... Oh no, I get it. {sadly} THEY GOT HIM!!! Somebody stuck him with a stake through the heart! Oh, this is so sad! Oh BadStrong, I pine for you. 8/10.
I never liked Link.
Nope, Gaia avatar formed to look like a character I made for Sailor Moon, The Sun Knight.
2/10. Avatar not the best thing since sliced bread, it is sliced bread.
7/10 because I really can't tell what it is, but it looks awesome.
Reminds me of "the United States in tight white brand underdrawers"
Link. nuff said
What avi?
Is that from Runaway? It certainly looks like one of the characters in there (or the sequel, not sure which one of the two it was).
9/10 Sneakin' sneakin' sneakin', hide behind a plant!
Culture Shock dragged me into Sam and Max!
Strong Bad
I don't get it... =(
Good. I didn't finish. Because I...
I meant your avatar. Pave what? Still 6/10.
it looks creepy ^^
reminds me I still need to play that game.