Season 3?

edited July 2009 in Sam & Max
All right, all right, Wallace and Gromit have made their grand debut, wonderful. But I wanna see some more Dog and Rabbity thing! What's telltale gonna do next? Is it gonna be more Sam and Max?


  • edited March 2009
    From what I've heard, that seems to be the case.
  • edited March 2009
    No one knows, okay? Telltale has no news for Sam & Max Season 3 right now, and they probably won't for a couple more months, there is no Season 3 coming out yet, there is no SBCG4AP coming out yet, there is no Bone 3 at all, the only thing Telltale is doing is Wallace & Gromit, they might have more information in May or later, but not yet.
  • edited March 2009
    man, this sucks :(
  • edited March 2009
    I distinctly remember Telltale saying that there'd be a season 3. Could a Telltale guy or gal please post in this thread and definitively tell us yes/no/be freakin' patient?
  • edited March 2009
    BiggerJ wrote: »
    I distinctly remember Telltale saying that there'd be a season 3. Could a Telltale guy or gal please post in this thread and definitively tell us yes/no/be freakin' patient?

    I can answer that.
    We don't know when it's coming, we don't know when it could be coming, but we do know it won't be coming until Wallace & Gromit is finished, it might come in 2010, we don't know yet, when we get something we'll let you all know.
  • edited March 2009
    They've made it pretty clear they're making a third season, when is anyone's guess.
  • edited March 2009
    Look, I have night terrors at night waiting for the next Sam & Max season too, but we all have to be patient.
  • edited March 2009
    you know in some countries patients is just a 8 letter word!
  • edited March 2009
    So far the order for me, best first.

    1 Sam & Max
    2. Wallance & Gromet
    3. Strong Bad.

    Im pretty sure we will see Season 3-4-5-6, doubt they will stop Sam & Max, its there best series imo. and it has so much potential to be expanded so much more apon, to become even better :)

    Im sure its about when, not if. We will see more to them .
  • edited March 2009
    you know in some countries patients is just a 8 letter word!

    Patients is also a type of person you see at a doctor's office!
  • edited March 2009
    Well heck, I definitely have the patience with Season 3. I haven't even got my hands on Season 2 yet! :p And when I do, I'll probably manage to keep myself occupied with it, until Telltale has any news regarding to S3.

    ..But I can feel the pain of you guys who have played all of S&M and are eager to hear something new. :( Hopefully there will be news soon!
  • edited April 2009

    Still nothing on Season 3 eh?
    This kinda makes me frown a bit.

    I'm not a fan of the Wallace and Grommit brand of Britcom style humor, nor the extreme low brow of Strong Bad. I'm not a Wii player or an XBox Live user...

    I play my games on PC and have been waiting for news of S&M Season 3.

    I mean, its cool that they are doing an XBLA and a Wii Season 2 or whatever... But... We... The PC gamers... Came first :P
  • edited April 2009
    Telltale is working with a very small group of people (if you look at the credits) so games are going to be coming out at a slow pace. In order to keep production costs down, this is the only way they can deal with the situation especially in this current economy. It's a shame the factory with all the original clay works burned downed. They could have by passed the art programming part and used stop motion instead. The English team could have worked on that part leaving part of the USA team to start work on another game.
  • edited April 2009
    Kainchild wrote: »
    Telltale is working with a very small group of people (if you look at the credits) so games are going to be coming out at a slow pace.

    Actually, someone from the Telltale staff mentioned some while ago that the entire company isn't working on one game series at the same time - they seem to have a very efficient pipeline for the various stages of the creative process. Also, I think that most of the writing and the key design stuff is ready for all the W&G episodes, so my guess would be that the leading people behind the series have already started on something new :)
  • edited April 2009
    I can't wait for some info, when I think Telltale I think Sam and Max, so this is what I'm most looking forward to.
  • edited April 2009
    Yeah i can't wait for some info about season 3, altought i still have the bone games and Wallace games to finish. If it would be released now, i'd stop playing everything else to focus on sam and max, that's how much i want it :)
  • edited April 2009
    look im a newcomer to sam and max but already i love it. by the way witch season is better 1 or 2?:confused:
  • edited April 2009
    Season 2 is easily the best as far as I'm concerned, but neither is bad or even "just okay". And I'd play through Season 1 before Season 2.
  • edited April 2009
    I think season 2 is more consistently funny, but I'd say episodes 4 and 5 of s1 are among the best in the series also. And you'll miss some of the [absurdity? fun? jokes? yes all of that?] of Chariots of the Dogs if you haven't played everything before it first.

    Also, I've really been wanting some more new Sam & Max lately.
  • edited April 2009
    HWalsh wrote: »

    Still nothing on Season 3 eh?
    This kinda makes me frown a bit.

    I'm not a fan of the Wallace and Grommit brand of Britcom style humor, nor the extreme low brow of Strong Bad. I'm not a Wii player or an XBox Live user...

    I play my games on PC and have been waiting for news of S&M Season 3.

    I mean, its cool that they are doing an XBLA and a Wii Season 2 or whatever... But... We... The PC gamers... Came first :P

    Yes, PC gamers were the first to get both of the seasons. :P With that, I'd rather let non-PC users to finally have their share of the game, too.
    Plus there are some of us non-US PC gamers (like me) who wait the retail versions to come to shelves. It's just logical for Telltale to help the different people to get their hands on first two seasons, so they could join the fun of the third one faster, when the time comes.

    Meh, I'm sure they are working with Season 3 in some way already, but are keeping it as a surprise for now. ;) *optimistic*

    Why don't we just let them do their job in peace? Making new games like this is never a fast process, especially if one wants to keep their quality on top. :D
  • edited April 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    Why don't we just let them do their job in peace? Making new games like this is never a fast process, especially if one wants to keep their quality on top. :D

    They could release a few teasers to quell the craving. Having a dose of Sam & Max is a serious thing; once you take a sip you just can't quit.
  • edited April 2009
    yeah, i could use at least a shred of info, but I can understand why Telltale would want to focus on one thing at a time. But maybe a teaser trailer would just make it worse, i guess.
  • edited April 2009
    I'm just wondering how long it's going to be before someone starts a petition..
  • edited April 2009
    If I don't take my dose of sam and max soon, you will be talking to my lawyer!

    Max: Good-bye cruel world!
    Sam: Max, a) Your not dyeing
    and b) You were crueler to the world than the world was to you!
  • edited April 2009
    And if I don't get my Sam & Max dosage, YOU FEEL THE WRATH OF MY ARMY OF CANINE WARRIORS!
  • edited May 2009
    Just keep buying their merchandise and they'll keep making them.
    I've already done my part, 2 x posters, Season 1 & 2, Sam & Max statue and a Hat. =D

    What would also help would be more exposure; I say give one of the episodes away for free on a gaming magazine, get more people hooked. My friend didn't even know about Sam and Max and now he's addicted. But i think with most games it takes time to develop, don't rush telltale, its not just a game, it a piece of fine art.
  • edited May 2009
    Yes, its not just a game, its more! Much more!
  • edited May 2009
    someone here should build a time machine, and go into the future and buy us all copies of seasons 3-10 then come back to 2009 and give them to us
  • edited May 2009
    but if they did that..then no one would bother to buy season 3 when it came out and then seasons 4 to 10 would never get released! Don't mess with time kids!
  • edited May 2009
    And it would cause a time paradox and open a giant rip in the time space continuum, causing life as we know it to perish indefinitely.
  • edited May 2009
    that too !
  • edited May 2009
    Telltale has said that they'll be announcing some "things" at E3 so....we'll definitely get some info on Sam & Max
  • edited May 2009
    Defo, E3 should be a blast this year. So many great things being announced.

    My things to look out for
    • New PSP
    • Kingdom Hearts (BBS and 358 /2 days)
    • Telltale Games New Stuff (Sam and Max Season 3 fingers crossed)
    • Heavy Rain
    • Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
    • Wii Sports Resort

    On a lighter note, I got my Season 2 collectors dvd today and I love it. The comment that Max makes in the outtakes about the woman in the sewers made me laugh so much. :)
  • edited May 2009
    khr1988 wrote: »
    Defo, E3 should be a blast this year. So many great things being announced.

    My things to look out for
    • New PSP
    • Kingdom Hearts (BBS and 358 /2 days)
    • Telltale Games New Stuff (Sam and Max Season 3 fingers crossed)
    • Heavy Rain
    • Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
    • Wii Sports Resort

    On a lighter note, I got my Season 2 collectors dvd today and I love it. The comment that Max makes in the outtakes about the woman in the sewers made me laugh so much. :)

    Heavy Rain looks amazing
    I did love Indigo Prophecy so its right up my alley
    btw pokemon heart gold and soul silver whats that? is it like leaf green and fire red?
  • edited May 2009
    moskow603 wrote: »
    btw pokemon heart gold and soul silver whats that? is it like leaf green and fire red?
    its the ds remake of gold and silver
    im looking forward to it cause 2nd to Pokemon blue (one of the 1st video games and one of the reasons why i love RPG and adventure games) was Gold one of the best games for the gameboy and my childhood
  • edited May 2009
    jodafire wrote: »
    its the ds remake of gold and silver
    im looking forward to it cause 2nd to Pokemon blue (one of the 1st video games and one of the reasons why i love RPG and adventure games) was Gold one of the best games for the gameboy and my childhood

    Blue and Gold were really amazing
    but back to the point i realized something: I have a feeling that since SBCG4AP's Collector's DVD is coming out probably around the same time as E3, the "trailers" and such that we'll see at E3 will probably be on the DVD
    Maybe an SBCG4AP Season 2 trailer??????
    I can't wait!!!
  • edited June 2009
    I have a feeling Sam and Max will be heard again, in the next few months..I mean they are working on Monkey Island, so who's to say that they won't start working on it after this. I Did notice they are going to have a Booth at Pax, I will definitaley ask.
  • edited June 2009
    Hey I made a season 3 promo poster today!

    See it in full resolution at

    And I also can't wait for Season 3, but maybe not until I get the Wii version of Season 2!
  • edited June 2009
    Awwwwwwwww gaaaaaaaawd looook at these folks they are all in dried-out ... We neeed a medic !!!!!! A PR-Medic ..... Jake ... Emily .....
  • edited July 2009
    Well, Telltale is supposed to be at Comic-Con... and by then, Tales of Monkey Island will be out, so there's little chance that IT will be demoed, since we'll all be playing it. Plus, Sam and Max WAS a comic at one point...
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