Just bought, played and finished SMI:SI yesterday. Very fun game. Also got TMI the day it came out as well.
Mainly, I've been playing Left 4 Dead in versus mode. I got that game only a few weeks ago and I'm totally hooked. When I get bored of that I switch to Grand Theft Auto 4 on PS3 and play Cops n' Crooks. I still have yet to finish Bioshock, haven't touched it in weeks but I should probably see how it ends since I did get quite far.
Gabriel Knight 2, i'm right near the final confrontation but the annoying death thing made me give up for a while haha. I'll probably go back to it in a few days when I can be bothered fumbling about the woods trying not to get eaten.
Sims 2, because let's face it, it's addictive
Spore, sporadically (oh god, excuse the pun!). I get bored of the space stage and can't be bothered wiping out the bad guys... it's repetative. So I started a new alien instead whoo. Maybe i'll go blow up earth.
Neverwinter Nights 2, which I should go back to. I sorta got distracted by Gabriel Knight.
Last Saturday I got 100% out of Lego Star Wars II on PS2! Yay!
And yesterday evening I dug out the DS and unblocked the last secret world of New Super Mario Bros. Of course, once you have saved Peach the real fun begin,
being able to save after each level
enables you to focus on hunting secrets and go in search of every star and every alternative road... Sheer fun and uber-platforming-power-galore!
Just started Secret Files 2 - Puritas Cordis; and cursing about each irritating game elements and puzzles on twitter. At least Nina Kalenkov is more tolerable than Kate Walker.
Just finished Silent Hill: Homecoming. Question for the others that finished:
I got the "good" ending, the one you get for
killing Alex's mom, and forgiving his dad
. This had to be the least satisfying ending in SH history. Are the others any better? I'm loathe to watch them online, in case I ever want to go back to it and earn them legitimately. (But I'll only do that if they're less ridiculous than the one I got...)
am trying to play Launch of the Narwahl, but am a stupid 77-yr-old, so tried to download walkthrough - 8 pages. Pages 4 thru 7 come out scrabbled. Is there another walkthru I can download, so I can preview this game? Thanks.
(Only download of many that I had this happen)
am trying to play Launch of the Narwahl, but am a stupid 77-yr-old, so tried to download walkthrough - 8 pages. Pages 4 thru 7 come out scrabbled. Is there another walkthru I can download, so I can preview this game? Thanks.
(Only download of many that I had this happen)
Hey, welcome to the forums. Have you tried looking in the ToMI hints forum? Hints are generally better since they give you a push in the right direction rather than spoil all the fun.
Oh, and on topic, I am currently playing Still Life 2.
am trying to play Launch of the Narwahl, but am a stupid 77-yr-old, so tried to download walkthrough - 8 pages. Pages 4 thru 7 come out scrabbled. Is there another walkthru I can download, so I can preview this game? Thanks.
(Only download of many that I had this happen)
Wow, i completely missed the Blackwell serie but i took my chance this weekend and i really liked it.
A very old skool 2D point&click adventure, not too hard, more with an episodic length, nice VGA graphics, good music and an interesting story.
There already do exist two parts "The Blackwell Legacy" and "Blackwell Unbound" and part three "The Blackwell Conspiracy" is said to be released this year.
(after completing Launch of the Screaming Narwhal)
The Secret Of Monkey Island - Special Edition
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Flashback: The Quest For Identity
Just finished SMI:SE. Currently slogging through Galactic Battlegrounds. After that, aiming to get my hands on the new Call of Juarez and do a bit of Empire: Total War on the side.
I just beat the first chapter of TMI - It was good and renewed my faith in Monkey Island. I really disliked EMI.
Rune Factory 2 - yeah, so it's a farming simulation game with dungeon crawling and vague similarities to dating sims, but it's fun!
Guitar Hero II: Nothing like pretending you can play the guitar to boost your ego!
Fallout 3
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Left 4 Dead
City of Heroes
Fifa 09
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Chrono Trigger DS
Gears of War (in co-op as Dom, to get the Achievements)
Puzzle Kingdoms
Deus Ex (again)
Dragon Quest 8
Dragon Quest: Chapters of the Chosen
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Plants Vs Zombies
Audiosurf (which I will never stop playing, if I can help it)
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Bejewelled Twist Plus I've just claimed Fright of the Bumblebees as my free game for buying Launch of the Screaming Narwhale at launch, so I've got that to work through now too.
All of which proves that I should really concentrate on finishing a few games now and again.
^ ... Hot damn. Also, agreed on Audiosurf. Whenever I get a new album, I have to Audiosurf it.
I'm currently playing Burnout Paradise (PC). Great fun. I love hunting down the unlockable cars that drive around. I just wish it supported custom soundtracks instead of having to run WMP in the background.
If I have to hear that damn Kerli song one more time, I'm going to *edit* a large *edit* *edit* *edit* cell phone *edit* *edit* Presbyterian *edit* *edit* *edit* thighmaster in an *edit* *edit* doggie bag.
I love it! I played it too on the Wii... The GC gamepad is one of the best ever, very satisfying. In fact I found the experience as a whole far more satisfying than Super Mario Galaxy, at least for the moment (haven't finished them yet: and I played SMS far more than SMG.)
Fallout 3
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Left 4 Dead
City of Heroes
Fifa 09
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Chrono Trigger DS
Gears of War (in co-op as Dom, to get the Achievements)
Puzzle Kingdoms
Deus Ex (again)
Dragon Quest 8
Dragon Quest: Chapters of the Chosen
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Plants Vs Zombies
Audiosurf (which I will never stop playing, if I can help it)
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Bejewelled Twist Plus I've just claimed Fright of the Bumblebees as my free game for buying Launch of the Screaming Narwhale at launch, so I've got that to work through now too.
All of which proves that I should really concentrate on finishing a few games now and again.
someone has done some steam buyin
i rented ghostbusters for the wii.really good game graphics suck and the camera could be better though
Escape From monkey island- it was definitely the worst of all the series but i did like the puzzles. the storyline contradicted past games and the controls sucked. Prince of Persia- fun but not great again probably worst of the series although alot better that Escape. the backrounds were pretty cool. Sam and Max Season- Very fun,funny and entertaining. The puzzles were fun but not too hard or too easy. i like all the character especially max. And i like the storyline. Probably my favorite of these three games.:) Secret of Monkey islandjust started today and its been pretty awesome. just noticed the max costume in the costume shop
^ ... Hot damn. Also, agreed on Audiosurf. Whenever I get a new album, I have to Audiosurf it.
I'm exactly the same. Someone took my two favourite hobbies - gaming and music - and mixed them up together into a beautiful whole. It's one of my top three games EVAR.
Escape From monkey island- it was definitely the worst of all the series but i did like the puzzles. the storyline contradicted past games and the controls sucked.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way... I was really nervous about Tales of Monkey Island, because I was so disappointed with Escape From Monkey Island.
I think the controls were the same as Grim Fandango, but for some reason they were really awful in EMI.
Right now I'm playing The Shivah, a really good dialogue based adventure game by Wadjet Eye Games (the same company that made the Blackwell series). Seems like it's very short and the puzzles so far have been really easy, but the writing is truly excellent and believable!
It's just as exhausting as the original title that came free, but well worth the price. I particularly like the sword play game that came with it, though I can live without the canoing game. I stink like month-old cabbage at the 3-point Challenge basketball game, however.
It's just as exhausting as the original title that came free, but well worth the price. I particularly like the sword play game that came with it, though I can live without the canoing game. I stink like month-old cabbage at the 3-point Challenge basketball game, however.
pretty much what he said, but add tales of monkey island treasure hunting mode.
Strong Bad's Cool Game 4 Attractive People: Episode 4: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective, Wallace & Gromit: The Bogey Man!, and I'm replaying Ben There, Dan That!, which I thoroughly suggest some of you do as well.
I decided to put Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis on hiatus indefinitely. It is not good at all in my books, with nothing to offer other than pure inventory puzzle. The character isn't even memorable.
Decided instead to start Mata Hari 2 hours back, and WOW! I was so blown away by the background, the characters and the dialogues. Even the puzzle doesn't come across as old. The producer of Indiana Jones still have that kick in them!
Secret of Monkey islandjust started today and its been pretty awesome. just noticed the max costume in the costume shop
The costume shop would be rather in in LeChuck's Revenge, I guess, not in the first game.
BTW, in the old Secret of Monkey Island, is that Max in the picture in the Scumm Bar kitchen? Looks a bit like it.
(BTW, I thought the SE of the game we ok, but the original is much more playable with the verb interface close by...., and for me personally, the old graphics had a real feel-good effect to me, whereas the new ones looked a bit...je ne sais quoi, and the dialogue was not as I had imagined it for 20 years, :mad: lol, I guess I am too old for this )
Mainly, I've been playing Left 4 Dead in versus mode. I got that game only a few weeks ago and I'm totally hooked. When I get bored of that I switch to Grand Theft Auto 4 on PS3 and play Cops n' Crooks. I still have yet to finish Bioshock, haven't touched it in weeks but I should probably see how it ends since I did get quite far.
Sims 2, because let's face it, it's addictive
Spore, sporadically (oh god, excuse the pun!). I get bored of the space stage and can't be bothered wiping out the bad guys... it's repetative. So I started a new alien instead whoo. Maybe i'll go blow up earth.
Neverwinter Nights 2, which I should go back to. I sorta got distracted by Gabriel Knight.
And yesterday evening I dug out the DS and unblocked the last secret world of New Super Mario Bros. Of course, once you have saved Peach the real fun begin,
I got the "good" ending, the one you get for
GRAW2. Best. Third person. Shooter. Ever. One case where realism can be fun.
Also Oblivion!
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Grim Fandango
Ace Ventura
(Only download of many that I had this happen)
Hey, welcome to the forums. Have you tried looking in the ToMI hints forum? Hints are generally better since they give you a push in the right direction rather than spoil all the fun.
Oh, and on topic, I am currently playing Still Life 2.
There's a very straightforward walkthrough, just be careful not to blitz through the game
A very old skool 2D point&click adventure, not too hard, more with an episodic length, nice VGA graphics, good music and an interesting story.
There already do exist two parts "The Blackwell Legacy" and "Blackwell Unbound" and part three "The Blackwell Conspiracy" is said to be released this year.
You might want to give it a try at http://www.wadjeteyegames.com/blackwell.htm
The Secret Of Monkey Island - Special Edition
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Flashback: The Quest For Identity
Super paper mario (for the wii) barely started the game 2 days ago
Paper Mario (for N64)
Rune Factory 2 - yeah, so it's a farming simulation game with dungeon crawling and vague similarities to dating sims, but it's fun!
Guitar Hero II: Nothing like pretending you can play the guitar to boost your ego!
I've been watching my bro play a lot of Disgaea 3 though lately if that counts for anything.
Fallout 3
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Left 4 Dead
City of Heroes
Fifa 09
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Chrono Trigger DS
Gears of War (in co-op as Dom, to get the Achievements)
Puzzle Kingdoms
Deus Ex (again)
Dragon Quest 8
Dragon Quest: Chapters of the Chosen
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Plants Vs Zombies
Audiosurf (which I will never stop playing, if I can help it)
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Bejewelled Twist
Plus I've just claimed Fright of the Bumblebees as my free game for buying Launch of the Screaming Narwhale at launch, so I've got that to work through now too.
All of which proves that I should really concentrate on finishing a few games now and again.
I'm currently playing Burnout Paradise (PC). Great fun. I love hunting down the unlockable cars that drive around. I just wish it supported custom soundtracks instead of having to run WMP in the background.
If I have to hear that damn Kerli song one more time, I'm going to *edit* a large *edit* *edit* *edit* cell phone *edit* *edit* Presbyterian *edit* *edit* *edit* thighmaster in an *edit* *edit* doggie bag.
I love it! I played it too on the Wii... The GC gamepad is one of the best ever, very satisfying. In fact I found the experience as a whole far more satisfying than Super Mario Galaxy, at least for the moment (haven't finished them yet: and I played SMS far more than SMG.)
someone has done some steam buyin
i rented ghostbusters for the wii.really good game graphics suck and the camera could be better though
Prince of Persia- fun but not great again probably worst of the series although alot better that Escape. the backrounds were pretty cool.
Sam and Max Season- Very fun,funny and entertaining. The puzzles were fun but not too hard or too easy. i like all the character especially max. And i like the storyline. Probably my favorite of these three games.:)
Secret of Monkey islandjust started today and its been pretty awesome. just noticed the max costume in the costume shop
I'm exactly the same. Someone took my two favourite hobbies - gaming and music - and mixed them up together into a beautiful whole. It's one of my top three games EVAR.
Shucks, was it that obvious?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way... I was really nervous about Tales of Monkey Island, because I was so disappointed with Escape From Monkey Island.
I think the controls were the same as Grim Fandango, but for some reason they were really awful in EMI.
It's just as exhausting as the original title that came free, but well worth the price. I particularly like the sword play game that came with it, though I can live without the canoing game. I stink like month-old cabbage at the 3-point Challenge basketball game, however.
pretty much what he said, but add tales of monkey island treasure hunting mode.
Decided instead to start Mata Hari 2 hours back, and WOW! I was so blown away by the background, the characters and the dialogues. Even the puzzle doesn't come across as old. The producer of Indiana Jones still have that kick in them!
Now, I'm just gonna try finishing it up soonish.
The costume shop would be rather in in LeChuck's Revenge, I guess, not in the first game.
BTW, in the old Secret of Monkey Island, is that Max in the picture in the Scumm Bar kitchen? Looks a bit like it.
(BTW, I thought the SE of the game we ok, but the original is much more playable with the verb interface close by...., and for me personally, the old graphics had a real feel-good effect to me, whereas the new ones looked a bit...je ne sais quoi, and the dialogue was not as I had imagined it for 20 years, :mad: lol, I guess I am too old for this