Mines was A storm of swords.
Why you ask: It had The death of King Joffery, the events leading to Tyrion once again cheating death, all of the epic hound and Arya fights, and the twist ending made my jaw drop.
Second favorite would be a dance with dragons.
So whats your favorite?
Oops, double post. Erm..
Definitely Storm of Swords. So many twists! Red wedding, purple wedding, Lysa's fall through Moon door, Oberyn vs. Mountain fight, lady Stoneheart reveal, like holy shit.
Id say clash of kinds and storm of swords
However game of thrones and dance with dragons is decent
AFFC. It's got some of the best lines in in the whole series.
"You've seen our numbers, Edmure. You've seen the ladders, the towers, the trebuchets, the rams. If I speak the command, my coz will bridge your moat and break your gate. Hundreds will die, most of them your own. Your former bannermen will make up the first wave of attackers, so you'll start your day by killing the fathers and brothers of men who died for you at the Twins. The second wave will be Freys, I have no lack of those. My westermen will follow when your archers are short of arrows and your knights so weary they can hardly lift their blades. When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. By the time I'm done no man will ever know that a castle once stood here. Your wife may whelp before that. You'll want your child, I expect. I'll send him to you when he's born. With a trebuchet."
I've said AFFC is my favourite, but that isn't necessarily true. It's tied with Game of Thrones (if I didn't enjoy it so much I probably wouldn't have stuck with the series so long) and Storm of Swords, which is undeniably the one that turned my investment in the books into a full blown nerdy obssession.
A Storm of Swords is one of my favorite books period.
It utilizes all of the character development up to that point and takes everything to an emotional apex. There were always a few point-of-view characters in the other books that slowed things down, but the pacing was so well done in ASOS, and the character dynamics were great. Even characters like Jaime, an incestuous would-be child murder, ended up being one of the more engaging characters after seeing an in-depth look from his perspective. I laughed, I cried, I lamented how A Feast For Crows left me on some of the longest cliffhangers ever, etc. etc.
Storm of Swords on first readthrough because of the huge plot development, but after a few rereads i enjoy Feast-Dance the most when read as one giant megabook, in hindsight those 2 books contributed so much to the world and are incredibly rewarding on reread. Cersei's chapters from Feast and Theon's from Dance and highlights of the series for me, although Storm of Swords is still the best individual book
I rank them:
Storm of Swords, Game of Thrones, Clash of Kings, Dance with Dragons, Feast for Crows
How is the read of the books? Is it written in contemporary English text or old English text? How many pages do the books on avg? How are the Dotharki text handled?
Dance With Dragons. I just loved Quentyn, and Theon's inner struggle at Winterfell. That cliffhanger with Jon(which should have been the real ending IMO). Daenerys' storyline got better in Meereen, you have Cersei's Walk of Shame, Aegon. Ugh so many awesome stuff. XD
A Dream of Spring.
Mostly contemporary English with some GRRMisms ("mayhaps," "mummer's farce"). Page count depends on the edition you're reading, but probably around 800 on average. There is hardly any Dothraki in the novels since the language was mostly developed by David J. Peterson for the television show.
Seems legit.
Close tie between A Storm of Swords and A Feast for Crows. Game of Thrones follows behind those and Clash of Kings is last. I just started A Dance with Dragons though and its pretty good so far.
A Storm of Swords pt.2, everything goes down, the Red Wedding, the Purple Wedding, the Mountain/Viper fight, Tywin dying, Tyrion heading away from Kings landing and a good many more things. Shame the book right after was my least favourite...
It seems to be pretty much fan consensus that Storm of Swords is the best, while Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons are both...controversial.
The third one.
I read the chapter from Winds of Winter that George Martin has on his blog. It's totally legit, yo.
Storm was remarkable among other reasons for its character work, as well as the trial by combat.
I liked Feast well enough. But Dance... was a chore.
Both Feast and Dance are a lot better when read together, as a single narrative. I tried it.
If you either haven't read them yet or want to re-read them, try this order.
Why are there 2 covers for "A Storm of Swords" and "A Dance with Dragons" in this box? Have these books been split into 2 books?
The first book "Game of Thrones" is still my favourite because it was recommended by a good friend and was so surprisingly good that it made the other fantasy novels I had recently read look like amateur hour.
Content-wise, "Storm of Swords" was quite good. I still have yet to read "Dance with Dragons".
Storm of swords. For obvious reasons i think.
A Time for Wolves since some time ago..why'd he changed the title? it's awesome and a hint that the Starks will kick some ass again
A storm of Swords.
"And up... and up.... and up."