Not bad. I still prefer my physical media, though, so I'll probably pay $15 for the DVD set on Amazon someday. The animated series is just fairly low on my priority list of Sam and Max things. It's under someday getting that statue, or eventually hunting down an Effigy Mound copy.
I never caught a full episode when they were on, but I remember one of my friends being so excited about it because Sam & Max fought over answering the phone like in Hit the Road.
Me too; but I also like the idea of having it with me at all times. For me, it's kid of timeless--like a memory of the bygone era of my childhood.
I guess that's just the anally-retentive nerd in me though.
You can get the series for less than $10, including shipping. On Amazon, right now. That includes a disc, box, and special features.
For $10, I'll pick it up for sure.